Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Your kidding right?

Rich(ie) asks where in our new Socialism is there redistribution of wealth.  Don't laugh,  really he did.

Let's look health care.

If there is a desire to have more people "covered" with health care insurance, the best method would be to lower the cost of health care. The best way to lower the cost of health care is to have patients pay for their health care at the point of service. Instead, we are moving in the exact opposite direction, including many services under health care rights. Police, Fire fighters, Doctors.

So to make health care a governmental service (right) the left is performing at minimum the following redistributions.

Generational: Using money we do not have to pay for current health care needs.
State: Promising (grafting) various Senators and other legislators benefits for their vote.
Flat out redistribution: Here it is...wait...a health care excise tax on the wealthy!

The above can be repeated for just about any issue you please.

Our economy is at a standstill because the producers/leaders of this country have no confidence in the future. Dummies like Rich(ie) and Terry as represented by this administration have put them in their cross hairs.

And Mark R.....No, Rich still will not answer questions, however, when he takes time and does not just pound away on his Blackberry, he occasionally has a point. (I think he is pretending to run for office and likes to do "rapid response"). But, do not despair, the new Mark, Mark C. pounds away just like you did (although we miss you and always welcome your return).

Merry Christmas!


terry said...

I am not sure what people were expecting... Elections have their consequences, but it takes a long time to change the status quo. Yes, the HC bill leaves a lot to be desired, but in terms of direction, it brings us a long way from Medicare "D" legislation which the republicans were using to start a planned privatization and bankruptcy of Medicare.
The HC bill is not the foundation we can build from yet, but it gives us some of the tools and sets the direction. What's more, it keeps the republicans from breaking the momentum with their astroturf teabag movement.
This is what they wanted more than anything to accomplish, which is why no persuasion could cause them to break ranks. They are concerned about their very existence.

Mark Chaney said...

Get serious Terry, why do you need to buy off people who are so committed to the cause. It's laughable, why isn't the Congress in this Health-Care system? Elections have consequences - really, what about that C-Span transparency where the people could see every step of the way. The market fixes all, but there is no competition because of all the ridiculous state mandates. If you really believe we are worried about existence you are kidding yourself, wait till the mid-term elections. By all polling Americans are against this bill. But once again the elites know what is best for us. Oh by the way - Senator Byrd is nothing but a racist, let's give him a nickname - The Sheet for all of his KK activities. Oh never mind that - " Nothing to see here just keep moving along". Go ahead hold on to a racist pig.

Baxter said...

Jim - by your definition, the whole western world is socialist and has been for your whole life.

Mark - I have never been particularly fond of the self-important Senator from WV. That aid, I think your KKK comments are a cheap shot. His involvement in the hate group is ancient history and he has apologized for it at every opportunity.

Mark Chaney said...

You spelled said wrong. It's not a cheap shot, that's the way I feel! And I know if it's on your side they get a pass, no problem.

Have a Great Christmas!

Baxter said...


There is a difference between a typo and misspelling. Slow and sloppy people are poor spellers, whereas any writer can make a typo - especially if they creating a lot of content.

Jimmy will tell you that I am consistent in the area of "giving a pass". I am not fond of Byrd, but I called you out on the cheap shot. I also think Trent Lott was treated shamefully after making kind, over the top comments about Strom Thurmond. Speaking of which, I forgave his sins of the Dixiecrat era.

This is America, where reinvention and second chances are encouraged. Bigots that genuinely repent should be welcomed back into the fold, not forsaken for the rest of their lives.