Friday, December 18, 2009

Global warming history

One of the favorite buzzwords of global warming alarmists is “unprecedented” when talking about present day warming.
Well, we’ve known it’s unsubstantiated spin for quite a long time. NOAA apparently has too, because the data presented in this video is in fact from NOAA and is from the year 2000 on their website.
But you don’t see it publicized much. Why? Well, because it totally destroys claims of “unprecedented warming” in our present day.The source of inspiration is from this Hockey stick post is observed in NOAA ice core data.
Climate alarmists, like liberals everywhere, rely on ignorance of the past. About the worst thing that could happen to the earth would be for the current warm spell that we are enjoying to come to an end.


Baxter said...

Again - our two Mark's are smarter than the scientific community. Just ask them.

Mark C and R: What do you think of evolution? Do the scientists have that wrong too?

Mark Chaney said...

What does Evolution have to do with Climate Change, you idiot? Climate Change is far from settled, many scientists disagree. There is no absolute proof, it was not that long ago they were telling us we were going into the ice age again. Now the tolerant group ("hearing all points of view") is telling us this is proven science - get real. Anyway, have a great weekend! I'm going to plan my annual Heli-Boarding trip in Canada. Wow what a thrill, nothing like being in a Bell helicopter that carries 15. Leaves a great carbon foot-print, but nothing like the group going to Copenhagen. Love the smell of jet fuel in the morning from a helicopter, there is nothing like it to a capitalist. Have they ever heard of Go to Meeting , if they really believed in Climate Change. No but they get a pass from the kool-aid drinkers, "nothing to see here, just go about your business", what dopes.

Mark Chaney said...

What does Evolution have to do with Climate Change, you idiot? Climate Change is far from settled, many scientists disagree. There is no absolute proof, it was not that long ago they were telling us we were going into the ice age again. Now the tolerant group ("hearing all points of view") is telling us this is proven science - get real. Anyway, have a great weekend! I'm going to plan my annual Heli-Boarding trip in Canada. Wow what a thrill, nothing like being in a Bell helicopter that carries 15. Leaves a great carbon foot-print, but nothing like the group going to Copenhagen. Love the smell of jet fuel in the morning from a helicopter, there is nothing like it to a capitalist. Have they ever heard of Go to Meeting , if they really believed in Climate Change. No but they get a pass from the kool-aid drinkers, "nothing to see here, just go about your business", what dopes.

Baxter said...

Mark -

I am impressed that you spelled "idiot" correctly. Something tells me you didn't have to look it up.

I ask about your view on evolution as your position on climate change is anti-science. I am trying to establish if your superiority to Ph.D's runs the gamut or is limited to the field of atmospheric sciences.

Apparently, you are afraid or ashamed to share your views regarding evolution. I wonder why that is.

Have a great weekend in Canada. Sounds tremendous.

Mark R. said...

Things never change! Rich is still incapable of looking at the veracity of one issue without changing the subject away from the one that is being currently discussed.

Baxter said...

Which issue? There is a consensus in the scientific community that climate change exists, is man made, and steps may be taken to mitigate or rollback the damage. I posted a link to help our slower brethren understand the scope of agreement amongst the scientists.

Evolution is also a well established scientific theory that is the foundation of natural science. Save for the fringe, there is no dispute in the scientific community concerning the Theory of Evolution.

The Republican base argues both of these points. When science and politics or religion collide, the right wing takes the side of faith and political dogma. They ridicule science and find many true believers in a manner P.T. Barnum would surely understand.

Mark Chaney said...

Baxter, what is it with you? I believe in Evolution and think that to use a law term "stare decisis" applies. What has religion got to do with it? Nobody is ridiculing science, it is the hypothesis of climate change. By the way climate change is a very clever term, it works with cooling or warming. This is far from settled. You just choose to where blinders and not even look at other data - it is your religion.

Wall Street Journal Link:

What happened at East Anglia and Penn State with those emails. I know it means nothing - "nothing to see hear, just keep moving".

Also, to watch Copenhagen melt down was hillarious! This all about a transfer of wealth. Are you still going to give all these people a pass who flew in on private jets and took limos? They must really have firm beliefs - has anyone ever heard of Go-To-Meeting. 77 little nations holding their hands out!

Consensus right! Mark R is right - go ahead scatter the issues again.

Baxter said...

Who is scattering issues?

Nothing that was done in Copenhagen effects the fact that there is a scientific consensus in climate change.

I do not begrudge anyone using all the carbon they please - it the governments responsibility to adopt policies to reduce this use. As Art Laffer said in his WSJ piece - lets simply use the market mechanism. Lets discourage consumption of carbon and raise some desperately needed revenue.