Sunday, December 6, 2009

What is your source of those numbers? Reagan had a >10% unemployment rate, though perhaps not for the whole year (just like 2009). What is your source? The Gov baby.
 Government economic policy has a tremendous influence on job creation. Do you think otherwise? Yes, it makes it worse Hell, let's do a poll, how many jobs does the government create?  Well, then, what is your point? Your approach has been thoroughly discredited and now you want to complain as Obama cleans up your guys mess!? We shall see in 2010.   How long are you going to hide.  This is your mess, your 10%, your decreased tax revenue, your health care debacle.

Stop using 911 as an excuse for Bushes poor record. It is unseemly and in fact, is no excuse for his failed presidency. The policy responses to that awful day far exceed the damage done by Bin Laden & Co. And the low interest rates were a big part of the housing implosion.
Clinton had the Asian financial crisis, as well as the Russian default and Mexican peso crisis. Remember Long Term Capital Management? Why don't we always hear about these crises? Because Clinton, Rubin & Summers prescribed extremely effective measures to contain each unique problem.  No, because they are minor compared to 9-11.
Does anyone think for a moment that Bush & O'Neal or Bush & Snow would have successfully handled any of these economic emergencies? Would Larry Lindsay have recommended the activist, Washington led, Keynesian, responses that were so successful? Of course not... And we would be out of this mess and could be again with broad based tax cuts and a pro business environment.

1 comment:

Baxter said...

“The Gov, baby”? Please be more specific – your info is obviously made up or, at best, intentionally misleading.

I look forward to comparing 2009/2010 with 2007/2008. The Democrats will be judged on their handling of the economy – hopefully in the context of actual legislation. The declining revenue is the direct progeny of Mssrs Bush, Frist and Hastert’s menage a trios to beat the band. Health care reform is Obama’s baby. Of course, history informs us that the Democrats face daunting prospects in the mid-term elections. We will see.

Government economic policy makes job creation worse, per se? So – you are advocating no government economic policy? Laissez-faire run amok? A pox on Reagan, Bush and every other president in the past 100 years? What a brilliant and informed point of view…

The various crises effectively met by the Clinton Administration were NOT minor compared to 9-11. The Asian financial crisis alone was more economically significant and presented far more financial peril.

I support a pro-business environment – the supply-siders are the ones offering a failed and fraudulent path. Can’t you see the damage done to business by such an unsustainable policy? The supply-side tax cuts of the Reagan and Bush eras created massive deficits and that is again the recommendation in the face of record deficits? That is the best they got? Hmmm. How to describe? Fatuous? Feebleminded? Witless? Take your pick. I say, go push on a string and come back when you come up with a much better idea. Perhaps, one that hasn’t been completely discredited.