Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just my Opinion

Bax/Jim: Not every news cycle is interesting. Yesterday and today are great examples. Sometimes the weather is the story. Although I'm sure you guys can argue about the weather, as well. I'm still waiting for your politicians to do something useful. I'm at work today, like every day, paying my taxes to fund; a seniors' pension scheme and free medical programs that I may never live long enough to share in; 700 foreign military bases, 40 of which are valued at over 1.5 billion dollars each -- while our allies contribute incredibly little; a bloated pathetic Federal government -- that has been shrinking for several administrations, if anyone else owns an Almanac -- but that could still be cut in half tomorrow; a failed educational system controlled by local school boards that ban "Catcher in the Rye" because the board members are, yes, undereducated dolts. Antiquated infrastructure. Insufficient funding for basic research. Tax breaks for obese farmers. Dirty air everywhere. A budget deficit that was easy to predict over 30 years ago. Lobbyists so numerous and so successful that even Paul Volcker doesn't carry enough water to merely prevent banks from speculating with deposits. Forget about registering $50 trillion in credit default swap bets made by corporations that don't even own the underlying bonds.

Are you partisans kidding me? Do you actually think it is the 'other party'? Your relentless bickering is damaging my country.

I'm taking about people who spend their time, eating in nice restaurants, golfing, whining about their taxes, while 1600 homeless teenagers slept somewhere outside in San Diego last night. Too old for foster care, too young for welfare; they show up at County services and are told that they are 'merely homeless.' They are routinely forced into 'survival sex' by low rent predators and porn producers. They sleep in the park, far apart, because they are afraid of one another.

I met a kid, a US citizen, born in the US to an unmarried mexican woman. She took him and his sister back to live in Mexico. Sixteen years later both the mother and sister are deceased. Two years ago, this kid was found by charity workers sleeping in the park. They got him a bed in an overcrowded shelter so that he could go to high school. He's smart and says he wants to be a doctor. Now 18, he supposed to leave the shelter with nowhere to go, no family.

I subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, and my TV gets Fox news and some other irrelevant crap owned by six huge companies. So what.

Excuse me, I have to go check on the hard working legal immigrants downstairs hammering drywall. Enjoy lunch at the club today. Partisans.


terry said...

Man do I love this post!!!

Jim G. said...

And Terry you would, you and Eric seem soul mates. Emoting and caring but not practical.

Eric, I am very glad you joined this blog and appreciate your participation.

However you are wrong. And so are your assumptions Sara P.

Not the assumptions of Tyranny vs Freedom, that is well put, it is that one side does not stand for freedom. Mine does, the other does not.

In Dale Carnegie's book how to influence people, he wrote about how Al Capone, one of the worst guys ever, just felt like he was misunderstood. So, I'm sure do those on the left, think that taxing from one group and giving to another is a moral endeavor when in truth, it is always the precursor to the fascism Old Sara describes as well as the road to financial ruin.

Eric, sounds like you had a bad day and need a Martini (at least it helps me) and endeavor to help our society. Great, but do it with your own time and money. I mean this not in a confrontational way, but how do you envision a society where by the force of law, people are compelled to care for others? Who decides? Who enforces? If you cannot see the inherent moral distortion that creates then, goodness!

Also, this is a second time that the country club thing has been raised. This is a free country with the best economic system ever. Many immigrants are employed as these gentlemen live off their former work. Their current investments provide fuel for businesses. And me? I work in the trenches of the poor at their worst moments (ill) and help them frequently for free, but I do much more good providing a stable place for 30 people to work.

So Eric and Terry (who I have affectionately dubbed the bleeding heart squad) in the news today (Eric, there is always news) is the near default of Greece (and California) mostly due to the over promising of retiree benefits mostly to former government workers. We are on the precipice of bankruptcy and our President is doing exactly the wrong thing. He is trying to Socialize our country and our economy. And Sara P., you should know better.

Baxter said...

I too am delighted that Eric has joined the board.

It should also be noted that Terry is an excellent judge of character, as well as posts.

Finally, though I agree with almost none of it, that was one of Jim's better comments. No cut and paste and a passionate assertion of his beliefs.

Baxter said...

Jim –

Thanks for your comments. My thoughts:

Suggesting that the conservatives exclusively support freedom has no foundation. To say that liberalism in the way of the New Deal or Europe is a precursor to fascism and financial ruin is fantasy. Where are your examples? Aren’t fascists of the right, not the left? Doesn’t the experience of 20th century Latin America suggest the road to fascism is through low tax states and minimal government assistance to all but the gentry?

I say, in for a penny, in for a pound. Once you accept the state’s legitimate power to tax, you cannot make a moral argument for taxation only for the things that you want or deem necessary. We have democratic representation that will determine the best economic policy, including taxation and spending. To answer your questions above – the state decides – our democratically elected representatives. That’s who.

Moral distortion? So it is immoral for our tax dollars to pay for the care of others but it would be moral for the state to let people die in the street for the inability to pay their own way? That is Alice in Wonderland crazy. I think it is the role of government to provide that safety net and an affluent state that did not is immoral in the extreme.

To oppose progressive taxation – our income tax policy since it’s inception 97 years ago – is a radical notion. Grover Norquist, the great anti-taxer, admits as much and says he wants to take America back to the pre-Roosevelt days and then quickly adds, “and I mean Teddy Roosevelt!” Like Glenn Beck, he is opposed to all things “progressive”, which he dates back to TR in 1901 – 109 years ago for crying out loud. So – facing deep deficits we should scrap progressive taxation, raise taxes on the po’ folks and cut it for the rich. That is your idea of morality?

Our current problems are primarily due to the supply side policies of the last 30 years. It is those on the right, such as Dick Cheney, who have said that, “deficits don’t matter.” If President Clinton’s policies had been followed by Bush and the Republican Congress, our debt would have been reduced over the past eight years, not doubled. And if we found ourselves on “the precipice of bankruptcy”, you would blame the guys that showed up just 12 months ago? Really?

Anonymous said...

Jim: You don't seem to be picking up on the fact that I am not on the other side. And by the way, my only agenda is Freedom; and I'm not getting it from either party.