Friday, July 31, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

The tax cut program called cash for clunkers (that is right, it is a tax cut) is immensely successful, only held back by bureaucratic red tape.

Tax cuts cause immediate economic benefits. Too bad the "O" did not "get it" prior to bankrupting us with the ill fated and ineffectual stimulus.


Baxter said...

C4C is a targeted incentive program, not to be confused with a supply side tax cut. It is a wildly popular program and will cost about $3B.

Which program did Bush and GOP enact that was as popular for as little cost to the Treasury?

Mark R. said...

Sorry Rich but we already had tax credits targeted at purchasing fuel efficient cars since at least the 2007 model year. So this is not the Barry administrations original idea. It is always petty when someone takes credit for anothers idea. Please see the instructions to form 8910.

Baxter said...

Please clarify, Mark. Was C4C an Obama program or a GWB program? Which is it?