Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama Care

I am sure that all of us know what the cost of your present health care is, either on an individual or family basis and on a monthly or yearly can anyone tell me what the cost per person or family will be of Obama Care...lets face it fokes...if it is free then lets remember a great saying...YOU PAY PEANUTS YOU GET lets find out what the cost is......

By the way does anyone think that Obama is covering his ass on this Gates thing...AHHHHH YEAA

Riegels Rant


terry said...

The present cost of health care is TOO HIGH for individuals and companies hence the change. What are you so afraid of can you verbalize it, and please don't say socialism anymore, that's stupid.
I have Never been followed in a store, pulled over in a white neighborhood, I doubt we have any experience of what it is like to be black in America so the Harvard Prof. got mouthy, the cop got mouthy, Obama should have said no comment.

riegels rant said...

Once again Terry you are not regards to that Gates fellow did anyone ever think that it could have been taken care of when the cop asked him for his ID...the transcript says it all, and even your buddy Obama says that Gates was off regards to health care...once again the Big O has his head up his ass all the way...answer me this...if you have 30+million people put on the public health care program and have the same number of existing doctors to take care of what we have + an additional 30+ million people how do you think that is going to it to golf...if we added an additional 300 members at our club with the same staff what do you think would happen...service would go up, don't think so baby it would go in the tank....and if you don't think his medical plan is socialism you are lets call a spade a spade lets call it single payer option. If a government program does not have to show a profit (which by the way tell me one government program that pays for itself to date or in your lifetime has been on time and on budget)then it does not take a rocket man to figure out that it will run private insurance out of business