Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Channel Check 7/14/09 AM

Whats on the news channels this morning?

CNBC - Financial News, The Markets
MSNBC - Sotomayor Hearings
CNN - Sotomayor Hearings
Fox News - Double Murder in Beulah, Florida

I report, you decide...


Jim G. said...

And which news channel has the highest rating?

I know you think that you (the left) should be able to decide what people watch but Rich(ie), you people still get to make that choice (until the fairness doctrine is implemented).

By the way, I have spent the morning listening to Rush discuss Sotomayor. Now fully brain washed, I am ready to go forth an pollute. She does seem to have changed her socialist, progressive, social justice tune.

Hell, today she is speaking like a Conservative

Baxter said...

Fox News does have the highest ratings - in spades. It is Tabloid TV. It is a sad comment on our society. If it bleeds, it leads...