Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So says Rich(ie)

He who pays the piper names the tune...What else would you expect?

The above written by our kind blogger extraordinaire Rich(ie) in response to government control of multiple businesses.

So I ask you Rich(ie)...Isn't that the deal with health care?

He who pays for the care of your body controls it... don't they?


Baxter said...

Oh, you have been thinking deep thoughts!

To the extent that we rely upon someone else to pay the bill - any bill - we are inviting them into the decision making. For many, they will welcome said intrusion for a superior health care system.

Please note that Medicare and Medicaid involve government paying the bill. The rest of us have private insurance and that will remain the case under the House and Senate bills.

The Europeans certainly aren't slaves to their governments. I am not aware of a major party in Europe that advocates ditching their health care system in favor of ours.

Opinion polls in Canada run about 85% in favor of their single payer system. In fact, all three major political parties support the system.

So - individuals who are concerned about government intrusion need to make sure and keep a few bucks handy if they want to avoid any bureaucratic interference. Why? Because "he who pays the piper names the tune!"

Mark R. said...

The biggest assumption in your statement is the words "superior health care system". This is not going to happen under the crazy plans that are being proposed now.
The biggest question is "why the rush". Europeans never rush major programs like this through the system. Whenever something is being rushed like this there is something being hidden. The proposals are over 1,000 pages long. Most congressmen have not even read the document. Why do we have to pass it so fast?

Baxter said...

"Why the rush?" is a silly question. It is politically expedient. Time is not on a presidents side. The longer it takes the more likely it fails. Duh.

Your European comment suggests a lack of seriousness. Those across the pond added health care generations ago. In the parliamentary form of government enjoyed by most EU states, a party has power and simply implements it's policies. They do not have to worry about herding cats with varied parochial interests.

Why are we the only western industrialized country without national health care? There are probably several reasons, chief among them racism. Homogeneous societies felt more comfortable offering that safety net to all. Not so here.