Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yes! Virginia the CIA lies!

Of all the ridiculous pseudo-controversies I’ve witnessed in politics, the one between Nancy Pelosi and the CIA from earlier this year was surely the dumbest.
Pelosi alleged that she’d been misled by the CIA regarding the details of some illegal orders that CIA personnel had carried out.
The right then began to savage Pelosi, not based on specific information that she was wrong about this, but based on the lunatic notion that it’s just outrageous in general to claim that the CIA would ever lie to congress.
Even more preposterously, the political press decided to treat these attacks very seriously as if we’re a nation of naive children that doesn’t realize intelligence agencies sometimes help presidents cover up illegal activities.
Now the "truth" comes out Panetta says we did not disclose all activities. What a surprise to all the Pelosi haters!!!

1 comment:

Jim G. said...

Terry, the left does not like the military or intelligence services.

Now you have a chief in apology running the country. Finally the left has its perfect President.