Monday, July 27, 2009

Op-Ed Columnist
An Incoherent Truth
Published: July 26, 2009
Right now the fate of health care reform seems to rest in the hands of relatively conservative Democrats — mainly members of the Blue Dog Coalition, created in 1995. And you might be tempted to say that President Obama needs to give those Democrats what they want.

But he can’t — because the Blue Dogs aren’t making sense.
To grasp the problem, you need to understand the outline of the proposed reform (all of the Democratic plans on the table agree on the essentials.)
Reform, if it happens, will rest on four main pillars: regulation, mandates, subsidies and competition.

Three liberal, stupid ideas and a conservative one. However, it turns out the competition is between the government and private industry (guess which one is going to be less effective and ultimately cost more?)

Honestly, how can the liberal brain be so wacky?


Baxter said...

Why are you concerned with a government plan? Is it because Medicare delivers services at lower costs than private insurance?

terry said...

Medicare for it's history has a lower than 5% administrative cost while private plans are closer to 20%. Don't tell me goverment can't run an equal or better service.

Mark R. said...

Krugman keeps making himself more and more irrelevant. He also argued for a second stimulus plan. Even the botox lady of the House has publicly come out against a second stimulus plan.

Terry where do you get your information from? Left Wing Blogs? Must be with skewed data like that. Do you know what components go into administrative costs from an accounting perspective? Have you examiled these numbers closely to find this out? Why are liberals so focused on government controlling everything? How can you possibly believe this will be better than what we have? Look at Social Security. The Government has done wonders with that. Your other post about no one being denied care in all the other industrialized nations is also a bunch of bull. Isn't having to wait an inordinate amount of time when you are in pain the same as being denied immediate care? Are you also in favor of the elderly being denied care like the House plan states? Assuming your parents are alive, how happy would you be if one of them was told that they were too old to receive the care they need because some government employee decided that he or she was?

This is not about what is good for Americans it is about control. This administration is made up of a bunch of Facists. They want to control everything. I will have a small amount of respect for these Dems when they announce that they will expose themselves to the same rules and regulations concerning health care that they are trying to ram through on the rest of us. Until they subject themselves to the same system than everything they are trying to do is wrong.

Baxter said...

Oh yeah, that Paul Krugman has become so irrelevant after winning the Nobel Prize in Economics way back in 2008 and having his presidential candidate win that same year.

Larry Lindsay and Arthur Laffer - now there are two guys with real purchase right now, huh?

Earth to Mark...