Monday, February 22, 2010

Two Statesmen: Simpson & Petraeus

I have enjoyed hearing from two statesman over the past two days. The first - General Petraeus - opposes "enhanced interrogation techniques" on MTP stating that we need to "live our values" and when we don't, we ended up getting "bitten on the backside." I guess it is just like our parents told us growing up - we need to do the right thing especially when it is inconvenient. That is the test of integrity.

Alan Simpson (R) was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo today and said something like "don't tell me to find the savings in earmarks, foreign aid and waste, fraud and abuse. That is a cop-out that doesn't add up to 2%." He said he is going after the "Big Three" - Entitlements, Social Security and Medicare. Discretionary spending is now such a small part of the budget, that it is the last place you'd look for meaningful savings. "It will be very bloody," says the former Senator from Wyoming.

So, fellow bloggers, are we part of the problem or part of the solution? Shall we live by cop-outs and disingenuous rhetoric or will we honestly set about solving our problems at home and abroad?


Eric Martin said...

Yes to both.

Jim G. said...


So, to be clear, let's do what is best for the country, right? No argument.

So, interrogation vs. torture. We get to question them correct? That is not torture. Playing loud music, probably not?

OK, so there must be a line, somewhere, between interviewing and physical harm (torture) but apparently sleep depravation is OK and that is...physical harm, abet temporary. Like water boarding. do we define that line? Ask lawyers in the DOJ, that's how. So an administration asks lawyers in the DOJ to define if a technique is OK and they agree and it is used under limited circumstances but becoming uncomfortable they subsequently quit using the technique which did, while used, prevent a terrorist attack.

So returning to what is best for the country. Now, agree or disagree, a opinion was sought, a technique was used for a limited time under limited circumstances and what would be for the best might be to support one's country, regardless of party.

What is not in a country's best interest? To rehash old news, threaten DOJ attorneys and obscure the facts for purely political gain.

Jim G. said...

Next, the big three.

OK, you guys propose the cuts first this time. Remember when Newt talked about reforming Medicare and ONE LINE of his speech was taken out of context and used in an attack add.

Let's remember when the previous administration tried to limit cola's and we were told by the Democrats...a reduction in a proposed increase is a cut.

Now my party were not wonder folks during the health care debate in discussing Medicare cuts but...

As I said before and say again...the sins of the Republican's pale in comparision to the Liberals. We are now in spending hyperdrive and the ones who will oppose ANY entitlement reforms are the Democrats. That is what the Tea Party is about and why they are closely aligned with the Republicans.

So here is what is going to happen, it is not a prediction, it will happen, the commision will make recommendations, there will be essentially no reform of spending and the vast majority of reform will be in the form of new taxes. The Liberals will protest any spending cuts.

$100, any takers?

Baxter said...

Rehashing? It is Cheney that keeps popping out of the clock to boast "I am a fan of waterboarding." Sadly, the subject is topical.

The sins of your party pale? You are kidding, right? You are the ones that dug us into this hole - $10T and counting. It is the Democrats that passed the 1993 Budget Bill without one Republican vote.

Q: When is the last time a Republican president balanced his own budget? A: 1959, over 50 years ago.

Q: When is the last time a Democratic president balanced his own budget? A: The last Democratic president did it in 2000. Glad you asked, thanks.

Jim G. said...


First there is a post, then a thought provoking (at least I think so) comment is made and instead of discussing the comment the topic is dismissed (by the one who made the post).

No so much fun.

Baxter said...

So, to be clear, let's do what is best for the country, right? No argument.

So, interrogation vs. torture. We get to question them correct? That is not torture. Playing loud music, probably not? PROBABLY NOT - I GO WITH THE ARMY FIELD MANUAL as APPROVED BY CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT.

OK, so there must be a line, somewhere, between interviewing and physical harm (torture) but apparently sleep depravation is OK and that is...physical harm, abet temporary. Like water boarding. WATERBOARDING IS SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED IN THE REFERENCED ARMY FIELD MANUAL. WE HAVE EXECUTED JAPANESE GENERALS FOR WATERBOARDING. SLEEP DEPRIVATION? IT DEPENDS - THERE ARE CLEARLY METHODS THAT ARE BEYOND THE PALE. do we define that line? Ask lawyers in the DOJ, that's how. So an administration asks lawyers in the DOJ to define if a technique is OK and they agree and it is used under limited circumstances but becoming uncomfortable they subsequently quit using the technique which did, while used, prevent a terrorist attack. I AM GLAD THEY ARE NOT PUTTING THE INTERROGATORS ON TRIAL. I THINK A GOOD FAITH DOJ OPINION DOES PROVIDE PROTECTION.

So returning to what is best for the country. Now, agree or disagree, a opinion was sought, a technique was used for a limited time under limited circumstances and what would be for the best might be to support one's country, regardless of party. I MOSTLY AGREE WITH THIS - I DON'T WANT TO LITIGATE ACTIONS TAKEN 2001-2003 RIGHT AFTER 911, USING OUR WARM AND COMFORTABLE 2010 STANDARDS. THAT SAID, I DEEPLY OPPOSE CHENEY'S CONTINUED ADVOCACY OF WATERBOARDING, ETC. IT NEEDS TO BE PART OF THE RECORD THAT IT IS NOT OKAY, PERIOD, REGARDLESS OF WHAT MAY HAVE HAPPENED DURING BUSH'S FIRST TERM.

What is not in a country's best interest? To rehash old news, threaten DOJ attorneys and obscure the facts for purely political gain. WHO IS REHASHING? CHENEY PROVOKES THE COMMENTARY EVERY TIME HE STICKS HIS HEAD OUT OF THE CLOCK. THIS IS OLD NEWS TO ME - THE ANTI-WATERBOARDING, ANTI-TORTURE FOLKS HAVE WON. 'NUFF SAID.