Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cap and Trade is Dead in this budget

One thing that Barry has done for the Conservative movement is unify us in a way we have not been in a while. His agenda is so radical and anti-American that he has managed to wake up some of those who have been sitting on the sidelines.
The Republicans managed to score. The most notable was the amendment offered by Mike Johanns to prohibit use of the reconciliation procedure for "climate change legislation involving a cap and trade system." The point of this amendment is that the administration will not be able to slide cap and trade through the Senate with 50 votes as part of the budget bill. Rather, it will have to follow a normal process, which leaves open the possibility of a filibuster.
Johanns' amendment passed on a 67-31 vote, with a considerable number of Democrats joining the Republicans. They were largely, but not entirely, Midwesterners who were not prepared to see their states' economies devastated by this foolish environmental measure. So for now, at least, it looks as though we have dodged the carbon tax bullet.
It just goes to show the lunacy of this left wing agenda especially during these economic times. Thank goodness there are still some rational thinkers left in Congress. Especially given the fact that this lunacy is based on non Science and erroneous computer modeling.

The facts are that the earth's climate has been cooling for the last decade, something that was not predicted by the global warming alarmists' computer models. When models make predictions that are falsified by events, it proves that the models are wrong. Good thing reason stepped in before the lunatic fringe was able to destroy the economy further with their slavish devotion to Al Gore and his now discredited theory.


Baxter said...

Cap and Trade does appear to be dead, since it won't be going through via reconciliation. Hopefully it will be replaced with a filibuster proof revenue neutral carbon tax.

Mark R. said...

Why? So that Democrats can exert more control over American's everyday life? Human beings are carbon dioxide emitters. Is this the nefarious goal? This entire thought process of carbon taxes is a load of methane producing crap!

Baxter said...

Yeah, your right. We should just do the same thing we've been doing. We can consume 25% of the resources with 3% of the reserves.

More wars? Fine.

High defense costs to protect shipping + supply? Hey, thats the the price of being a superpower. We can afford it forever.

Being dependent on the Middle East for our economic blood supply? So what? Why should we control our own destiny when the world's worst neighborhoods can? Iran and Venezuela need dollars too!
