Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The new car czar in Europe

Well as our new car czar tries to sell the G-20 some snake oil they are sure to resist many of his suggestions. The hate America crowd combined with the blame America crowd are doing their very best to frame the global economic crisis as one that is solely to blame on the US. The Europeans are sure to use this thought process in a way to undermine the car czar. This line of thinking is factually not true.

I just do not understand why so many in this country are so intent to become like Europe and to adopt European systems and economic policies that are clearly not working. Why have so many forgotten the fact that this country was established mostly by Europeans fleeing Europe for a better life highlighted by a system that featured individualism, freedom of choice and the ability to accomplish something by working hard and concentrating on an education. Now we have an administration that wants to bring us down to Europe's level. Please explain to me why so many liberals are so invested in worrying about how Europe views us.

Not surprisingly, the Europeans are attempting to leverage their false narrative into global policies that will favor their interests. Thus, they are calling for a global regulator with a mandate to ensure the stability and balance of the world economy. In other words if you cannot beat someone under fair competition than change the rules to bring them down to your level. We should all be worried about statements like the one the head of the IRS, who is incapable of using Turbo Tax, made when he said that he was quite open about going to a global currency. Of course this was a day after he said he was against it. Turbo Tax Tim is in so far over his head that he cannot even remeber what he says from day to day.

Between the car czar and Turbo Tax Tim we need to be really worried about the US capitulating to European wishes and then lying to us using their useful idiots in the left wing dominated main stream media to try and sell the American public about how a capitulation is good for us. We are in big trouble!

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