Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Handshakes and "Bows"

The GOP is a group of very poor losers led by the loud Rupert Murdoch and the large Roger Ailes. They can't find much of substance to criticize, so they go for picayune, petty and personal matters. Fox News is able to create an "issue" out of nothing. Remember the campaign and the "lipstick on a pig" controversy? Now, the dimmer bulbs among us want to talk about handshakes and bows.

Larry Sabato observed last night that our two party system is turning into a one and a half party system. If the GOP goes down the road catering to the Tea Party attendees, they are history. They have lost the middle and they are beginning to eat into their base. 



Mark R. said...

"They can't find much of subtance to criticize". What? Do you have the retention of someone suffering from Alzheimer's disease? This administration is spending more than all of the previous administrations combined. That includes the previous administration that you railed against.

This administration is engaged in trying to run corporations. Forcing financial institutions to take government money so that they can dictate corporate behavior. The list goes on and on. There is so much substance that I agree that handshakes and bows are the least of this countries worries.

However you also have conveniently glossed over all of the left wing personal attacks that ocurred constantly for the entire Bush administration and continue now even when the Democrats have control. It appears that you can dish it out but you can't take it.

C'mon Rich defend your boys policies for once. Tell us all how spending trillions is going to be good for our children's future. Tell us how dumping billions more into our education system is going to improve things when all of the previous billions spent couldn't. Tell us all how goovernment which has proven they cannot run anything efficiently is all of a sudden going to run the health care system and make it more cost efficient yet keep the quality we all have in place. Tell us how regulating carbon emmissions with billions more in taxes on businesses is going to help us get out of the economic duldrums we find ourselves in now.

Instead of spewing the garbage that you read on the Huffington Post or MoveOn.org why don't you tell us how spending these trillions is going to make this a better nation from a world wide competitive standpoint. Please use actual substantive arguments backed up by factual data that buttresses your arguments.

Baxter said...

It is called Keynesian economic policy. We need to flood the system with dollars until it has recovered from the consequences of Bush Administration oversight.

Banks desperately needed our support and received it. He who pays he piper names the tune. Would you rather have given them billions of dollars unconditionally?

The Laissez Faire approach to this crisis would have us deep in the Great Depression II right now. I am grateful every day that Hank Paulson replaced John Snow when he did. I think we came very close to falling into the abyss.

You would not have seen me making personal attacks. My attacks were always directed at policy. Love the sinner, hate the sin, etc. I have commented that GWB was not up to the task - something that is rather obvious. I never questioned his motives. The poor fellow meant well.

I support universal health coverage within the private sector operating under vastly superior rules of the road than the status quo. Right now, we spend too much for too little. There needs to be a cost containment mechanism. Jimmy + I agree that the end user should be paying part of the bill. That current disconnect - and cost shifting - is costing trillions.

How many times have I told you I don't go to Huffington Post or Move On sites? Are you suffering from Alzheimers disease? Believe it or not, I visit Drudge every morning along with MICHIGAN Scout and Rivals sites.