Sunday, April 5, 2009

Words must have meaning

So says the "O" today when chastising N. Korea over launching a missile. He also said "rules must be followed" as a terrorist state illegally launched a missile with capabilities to reach America.

One wonders what this phrase means to the left? Our previous President was pilloried for saying, and meaning, that states that harbor terrorists would be treated the same as terrorist states and that states must comply with UN sanctions or face consequences.

So what do words mean in the new age of "O"? We speak harshly? We say "don't do it again"? Or do we mean what we say and take action?

I predict Baxter response II (the blame Bush model) to excuse the "O" tepid response.

When you have been elected by the left, the options of response are limited. The US, I guess, can speak but cannot actually do anything. Words mean...nothing.


terry said...

The Bush model was attack Iraq, who never had a single thing to do with 9/11. Talk tough to China, do nothing, talk tough to Iran, do nothing, talk nicely to Pakistan, which does harbour terrorists, because our guy is in there taking our money. Obama was elected by the left are you kidding 52% of the country is Left? Jim get the facts straight.

Mark R. said...

Terry, you say that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 but that has never been proven either way. It is a fact that some of the 9/11 conspirators did train in Iraq.

It is so unbelievable that you and Rich constantly deflect and never admit that there is a very good chance that your boy is all talk. It is always "what about Bush". We will see how he treats North Korea who obviously believe that he is weak and needs to be tested.

We also saw how Iraq dealt with his "reach out and touch Iraq video" by insulting him and making incredible demands in response. Didn't hear anything after that from your boy.

But let us get this straight. Obama was nominated by the heard left. He was the candidate of, the Huffingtom Post, John Podesta's group, Code Pink, etc. All 52% of the voters that voted for him are not from the hard lunatic left but they are a significant percentage of his support and by far the most activist and vocal. If you do not believe that makes a difference today than you need to stop sipping that Pinko Kool-Aid.

Baxter said...

I am not aware of a "Reach out and Touch Iraq" video nor have I heard of an insulting response to said unknown video.

Mark R. said...

Rich, that is because your useful idiots are trying to supress it. It should have been all over the news.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's response to President Barry's offer for dialogue was swift and sweeping: Words from Washington ring hollow without deep policy changes. Khamenei went on then in a dismissive fashion making impossible demands.

Look it up it is a fact!

Jim G. said...

And the President was so popular, action figures were made in his likeness.

His announcement, that major military action was over was in fact correct. The hard part was just beginning.

War is inherently messy. It could have been run better as all wars could be, however, and most importantly, our President did not waver in his support of our troops or the goal of victory.

Baxter said...

Dubya's incompetent execution of the war cost us lives, treasure and time while Iran and North Korea moved forward with their nuclear plans.