Monday, April 20, 2009

Janeane Garofalo And Keith Olbermann Calls Tea Bag Protesters"Racists"!

Watch the idiocy of the left wing fringe coverage of the Tea Bag anti-government spending protests that CNBC presents as legitimate reporting. Also pay attention to how Rich and the left try to make fun of the Tea bag protests by using language which refers to practices of on eof the other groups that Barney Frank belongs to.

Rich and Terry do you guys actually think like this?


Baxter said...

You complain about calling the protesters Teabaggers - that is what they call themselves - see the posted video.

You of all people - you call President Obama "Barry" or "Obamessiah" or "Hussein". You'll notice I do not engage in name calling. I call GWB Dubya merely to be more specific than "Bush" when discussing presidents and I mean no disrespect. I refer to Reagan as Reagan and Hoover as Hoover.

You have used ridicule concerning others, including Barney Frank. So - don't play the role of Church Lady when talking about the Teabaggers. That is a name they coined for themselves and we are happy to use it. It is fitting.

Mark R. said...

Notice you did not comment at all about your mainstream spokespeople. The left is morally corrupt. No other way to describe what goes on. It appears that only the left wing knew what sexual act teabagging referred to. So many left wing television commentators on MSNBC, and CNN, which are both in a ratings free fall, spent a lot of time referring to the sexual nature of the term. It appears that they cannot attack the TEA BAG protests on the issues so the elft wing media needs to resort to race baiting and sexual slurs to try to denigrate those who are really concerned with the out of control spending and the socialistic anti-American policies that this administration is engaged in.

Barry is what our President called himself for a great portion of his life. Hussein is his middle name. Obamamessiah refers to the blind unquestioning loyalty and belief that he will save segments of our society from ever having to work again as voiced ny countless numbers of them after the election.

You leftwingers are so ridiculous in your outrage at the protests. You defend the right to protest when it is ultra radical left wing organizations with ties to communist fronts when they organized anti-war protests but now when people are protesting against an administration that is bankrupting this country by spending more money than all of the previous administrations combined including the Bush administration you are outraged. It is pathetic. You spent so much time railing against the spending during the Bush administration and now because the spending is happening under your boy's administration it is OK. Give us all a break!

Baxter said...

It is 2009 and Mark is complaining about communist fronts!

I support the right of all to protest. I have utterly no use for the Pink Brigades, Teabaggers or Act Up, all of whom are on the fringe.

Jim G. said...

original post

administrator edit

We should ask Garofalo and Olbermann why CNBC's ratings are in free fall. No wonder they spend half the interview bashing broadcasters that they do not agree with. I wonder if this is how the brain dead trust at CNBC thinks they are going to catch up with the ratings of Fox News? I have never, ever, seen anything close to this embarrising presentation of opinion by CNBC of news on any FOX broadcast ever. Not even close! This is pure vitriolic hatred by obviously deranged individuals who think they are smarter than everyone else. I really feel sorry for these two.

Baxter said...

With respect to arrogance, she is a mere piker compared to Rush + Hannity.

Yes - Fox News has higher ratings than CNBC or MSNBC and always has. I don't expect that to change anytime soon, if ever.

So what?