Sunday, April 5, 2009

Finally the truth

Gingrich thrashed Republicans for allowing increased spending during the Bush administration and for not doing enough to block President Barack Obama’s early initiatives.
Remember, everything Obama’s doing, Bush started last year,” Gingrich said. “If you’re going to talk about big spending, the mistakes of the Bush administration last year are fully as bad as the mistakes of Obama’s first two.


Mark R. said...

Terry, what is new here? I know that every conservative that has contributed to this blog agrees that the Republican spending during the Bush administration was "bad". I believe we also will agree that the spending in the last year of his administration was "bad". He certainly was not a Conservative President in the last year of his term unless you refer to the granting of pardons.

It appears now that you agree with us that the spending during Obabma's first 78 days is equally bad. Welcome to the Conservative side!

I am not sure what Newt is referring to by the words "first two", does that mean months? So we are comparing a year to two months. Since it is a 'truth" to say that Obama did an equal amount of "bad" in two months that it took Bush a year to accomplish? Can we use that thought process and continue to the ultimate point and assume that if we give Obama a year that he will accomplish SIX TIMES the "bad" that Bush accomplished in one year?

So since we all agree that what Obama is doing is "bad" we should all agree to impeach him before he accomplishes anymore "bad"!

Baxter said...


Why do you want to overturn a recent election? Don't you believe in democracy? Are you a sore loser in all of your endeavors?

In 1998 the GOP established that the House could impeach a president, willy nilly, with a simple party line vote. They were subsequently embarrassed when they couldn't muster a simply majority in the Senate, even though it was under Republican control.

Even if you had the votes in the House some day, why would you want to repeat that episode? It brought far more shame to Delay and the House managers than it did the ever popular President Clinton. Even Henry Hyde admitted in retrospect it was payback for Nixon and reflected poorly on Congress.

Jim G. said...

Hard concept for a liberal and a won't admit he is liberal.

Limit the size of government.

Cut taxes.

Works every time.

Terry, you are great at criticism but offer no solutions.

Is not the great "O" really just kicking the can down the road?

His big three issues do nothing about entitlement reform and must we not deal with them or go bankrupt?

Is his big spending bill and budget not just papering over the problem and in fact will make it worse?

Rich, criticize away, but nothing to deal with these issues has been offered and in fact he is making them worse by increasing them! (undoing Welfare reform for one)

They, the Dem's, enact entitlement reform and I will change party. However, my liberal friends, if they do not and in fact (as I know they will) stand in the way, then you two come knocking.


Baxter said...

"Works every time" if the objective is higher, growing deficits.

I have voted Republican - at the national level - in the past twenty years. I am not married to the Democratic Party, as you are the failed GOP. I expect to vote Democratic in the future, however, that depends entirely on how they govern and what alternatives are offered.

Mark R. said...

Huh! Please tell us which Republican Presidential candidates you have voted for against the Democratic candidate in the final election which would decide who will be the POTUS for the next four years during this 20 year span that you refer to.

As to the failed GOP, until they stop the spending like drunken sailors and move back towards the principles that this country was founded upon they will continue to be a minority party.

I do want to get this guy out of office before he does too much damage to this country. I believe strongly that he is a big mistake like Jimmy Carter was. There are a lot of similarities in how they both were elected as reactions against perceived bad behavior by their predecessors. Some of it real and some of it a media creation.

Baxter said...

I voted for George HW Bush in 1992. I think he is going to be well remembered in history. I think he did a great job in Desert Storm - he made a Herculean diplomatic task look easy. He also handled the crumbling Soviet block very well. A few Dubya style missteps could have kept the old guard in place.

I voted for Bob Dole in 1996. I wanted to see what would happen with the GOP running everything. I am a deficit hawk - I have always liked moderate Republicans and I thought it might make a great combo. This is probably the one vote I would like to do over. WJC deserved my vote at least once.

BTW - I also respect Gingrich as a thinker. He might only have three good ideas out of ten but I really appreciate his "outside the box" approach to problems. I won't vote for him and he obviously has character defects, but I think he will be regarded as a very large figure in 20th Century American history.