Monday, April 6, 2009

We Are Not a "Christian Nation"

So said the president today in Turkey. It is refreshing to hear our president sing the praises of secular government - especially within a majority Muslim nation. 


Mark R. said...

I am sure that the Muslim's in Turkey believed every word that came out of his mouth too.

It also goes to the fact that one cannot be a Christian and attend a church like the one that Reverend Wright presided over. So our new President is really not a Christian. The facts still are that this is a nation formed on Judeo-Christian ideals not Muslim ones. The only thing important to the radical Muslims is the fact that this is not a Muslim nation but a nation of infidels. Barry's hate and blame America speech in Turkey was frankly disgusting and will only provide more ammunition to those that hate this country.

His rhetoric certainly reminds many of the comment by his wife about how she has never been proud to be an American before Barry's nomination.

Baxter said...

Must be why Barry keeps climbing in the pools - 66 point approvals tonight - up since the trip.

America is a key component of Western Civilization and post-reformation Christianity is undeniably one of our civilization's significant influences.

Hopefully, Islam will have it's own reformation. We respect critical thought in the West and the Bible is open to interpretation. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of Middle Eastern societies and an unconventional theory of the Koran can get one killed for blasphemy.

Jim G. said...

Ok, so am a bit of a political junkie and I am unaware of this speech. How come?

Not religious myself, but this would be a game changer if others were aware.

Blurbs are on Fox, but doesn't this classify as news?

Baxter said...

I am surprised it hasn't gotten more play - especially on Fox with just the "We are not a Christian nation" snippet. However, he says it in the context of being a nation for everyone (as intended by our founding fathers) and specifies other faiths a being included. It is hard to disagree with his statement if you listen to the whole thing.