Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The results of the Barry Hussein European apologypalooza

Well we are starting to get back the actual hard core results from the apologypalooza that our current President went on in Europe. In his historically becoming the first blame America President in history Barry Hussein had hoped that this would result in the Western European Countries going along with his administrations new policies. Well the results are starting to come in and it appears that it didn't make a difference in substantive policy making.

We got zero of what we were seeking in the economic summit. His stated goals were to get the western European countries to substantially increase government spending equivalent to 2% of GDP as a stimulus to the world economy. Didn't happen. Instead we received a pledge to increase funding to the IMF with the US on the hook for another 100 billion or so. We also agreed to the possibility of more international financial regulation. Just what our economy needs the ability of foreign regulators to come in and regulate the competition.

At the NATO summit our goal was to get the other nations to pony up combat troops for the Afghan war. Again a great big goose egg. The Brits did their friendly best by stating that they would send more troops if the other countries agreed but they knew that this was a hollow safe statement which would result in zero additional UK soldiers entering the Afghan theater.

Now our esteemed Marc Rich pardoning AG tried to get the western European countries to agree to the release of some of the Gitmo Prisoners of War into their countries. Again almost a complete shut out. It appears that France has agreed to take one of the inhabitants. That is it.

Results are always the ultimate measure of actions. Apparently all of the apologizing for American past behavior has done absolutely nothing from a results perspective.

This also points out the growing problem with the Barry Hussein policies of making unilateral policy statements like "we will close down Gitmo within a year" without having any concrete plans as to how this will be accomplished. One may argue with whether or not Gitmo should have been set up in the first place. I obviously come down on the side of supporting the decision because we had to do something with all of these captured Islamic jihad warriors. But it is there and we can't go back in time and change the facts. Along this line of reasoning I have never seen the left wing alternative for what we should have done with all of the Islamic extremist soldiers we captured. Just the constant complaint that Gitmo is horrible and evil. Now Barry's stated policy is testing this left wing belief with real world efficiency. How is he going to keep his promise to the left wing lunatic base and still meet his responsiblity to keep the US safe? What is he going to do with all of these prisoners now that all of his new friends have shut him down again? The clock is ticking!


Baxter said...

Y'know, you ate all that crow and the mental disorder appears to remain in place...

Mark R. said...

I know your disorder remains in place. When are you going to have that brain scan?

Jim G. said...

But it is there and we can't go back in time and change the facts. Along this line of reasoning I have never seen the left wing alternative for what we should have done with all of the Islamic extremist soldiers we captured?

So I asked recently about the war on terror and Richie II warming! Well OK.

WHAT!?...those of you who hated the war, hate this ongoing war..What should be done with them? I know you think war in Afghanistan is OK because that is the only place Muslim extremists plot to destroy us (sarcasm, notation seems to be warming!) say we catch them there, what exactly would you do with them??? What!?

Terry, Gary the sissy, Hair!, even partner K, what!

Richie, even you are going to have a hard time morphing this into hate Bush.

Baxter said...

Doc, as you know I do not hate Bush. I hate his policies and his horrific stewardship of our nation.

Why do you think all we can do with them is torture? Where did you get so friggin' dark? Who do you root for when you watch WWII movies?

I want to keep them locked up if I can support that in a court of law. If I can't, I need to send them elsewhere. I do not oppose legitimate rendition.

If no one will take them, then we bring them stateside. What else? Are we a nation of laws? Do we have a constitution?

Mark said that the constitution only applies to US citizens. SCOTUS has ruled otherwise.

I am optimistic about our chances in the war of civilization vs nihilistic Islamic fascism. Our chances have improved markedly since January. We will win this and it won't be from torturing prisoners.

What matters most? How we handle the "big accounts": Iran, N Korea, Pakistan/Afghanistan and Iraq - in that order.