Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kudos to Dubya,8599,1912297,00.html

Cut & paste the above link to read an excellent article. After reading Time's piece on the final days of the Bush Administration, I hold GWB in higher regard. His approach to the Scooter Libby pardon and pardons in general was very principled. I am now confident that Bush had nothing to do with the Plame affair - before I thought that he was at least an accessory after the fact.

Our 43rd president will probably not fare well in history - however - he just went up a notch or so in my book. Perhaps, historians will be kinder when they see the man in the context of the linked article. I hope so.


Mark R. said...

At this juncture it is starting to be safe to assume that history will view him more favorably then it will Barry who is doing his outright best to bankrupt this country.

Baxter said...

Gosh - Reagan tripled the national debt his first term. Dubya doubled the national debt in 8 years with nothing to show for it. He inherited a $200B+ surplus and handed off a $1.3T deficit - a $1.5T+ swing - as well as a collapsing economy.

And you want to blame the new guy...