Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Boy I'm glad that is over.

Did you think I was speaking of the stock market?
No, I'm referring to our country's flirtation with liberalism.
Mr. smooth talker somehow got past his lack of experience and associations ("America's chickens are coming home to roost") to get a lot of folks to vote for him. These are people who would never have voted for such a obvious liberal agenda except they were exasperated by the economic meltdown and dissatisfied with the Republican candidate(s).
But now folks are seeing liberalism in all its glory, with income redistribution and socialized medicine and fighting back.
The lefts abnormal, rabid disdain of the "tea baggers" and health care takeover protestors is whistling past the grave yard.
America is coming back to its senses, realizing that free market Capitalism is the only way to lasting prosperity.

The 2010 elections look dark for the left but hark, an angel... they are now proposing tax cuts (unclear if they are the make up "government directed stimulative" or true broad based cuts) but now even the lefties in this administration realize that a command and control economy is a road to ruin. The laws of economics and human behavior cannot be repealed. Told you so.

Crazy Rich, perhaps tax cuts and a little fiscal discipline can keep us from economic "Californication".  Although I know you said the real problem was that the tax payers were being selfish (not wanting to pay for ALL social programs, ideas, whims of the left and illegal immigrants to boot). Tisk, tisk

1 comment:

Baxter said...

What policy are you referencing or misunderstanding?