Monday, October 12, 2009

The first a thoughtful article about the trouble we are about to slam into, head first.

The second, more dribble from the Liberal excuser.  (Continuing to attack the prosperity of this country, now by proposing hyper-inflation which will devalue those with more than those without-making financial, economic, business planning simple...don't.)


Baxter said...

I do not recall weekly emails/blogs from Jimmy when the Republicans were doubling the national debt during ECONOMIC GROWTH! Your team leaves the good guys with a collapsing economy and spiraling debt and now, all you want to talk about is the debt!? You thought it would all be turned around in eight months? Good grief!

Jim G. said...

Excuse me!!!

Now we, Conservatives, correctly commented that as a percentage of GDP the debt was "manageable" but never have we said...spend us into bankruptcy expecting us to be saved by the bond Ghouls or hyperinflation.

His actions have not corrected the problems, they have exacerbated them.

Granted, the fiscal crisis (in truth every bodies baby) necessitated action, but his (HIS) spending will put everyone in the poor house.

And...for the umpteenth time!!!

At least we bitched! Were dissatisfied! You guys just lap this crap up.

Cut taxes, cut spending! Simple but requiring courage, I suspect Mr. Smoothie will be to busy seeking accolades to do what must be done.

He is trying to redistribute the wealth of this country, the economic shock of which will harm the very people he seeks to help, for generations.

Rich, where are we going to come up with this money?

Hyperinflation? Confiscatory taxes? How???

Baxter said...

Cut taxes? Will you ever learn? Reagan and Bush oversaw massive deficits after supply side tax cuts and you want more!? Dubya would have had surpluses if he only kept revenues as a percentage of GDP the same as Clinton. But no, he cut taxes, just like you want to do!

Our financial collapse was by no means "everybodies baby". It is all the GOP's - the people that presided over our very flawed, supply side economic policies. You know - the ones you want to implement all over again.

What will it take for you to surrender your silly ways and accept that the GOP supply side policies are in the trash bin of history, right next to communism, feudalism and the flat-earth theory.

Jim G. said...


The debt, his debt, is a huge percentage of GDP and the Federal budget for as far as the eyes can see.


Baxter said...

Actually, the Obama budget narrows the deficit to your "manageable" level of 3% of GDP in two years.

Truth be told, once we are clearly out of recession and unemployment drops, deficit reduction will be Job 1. This is the new Era of Responsibility and Obama will own the inherited deficit at that point. We will raise taxes and reform entitlements. Yes - we will be raising the age for Medicare and Social Security right after the elections. Look for entitlement reform/structural deficit reduction/path to sustainable prosperity to be the overarching 2011 issue.

We are undertaxed relative to our European brethren. That is one of the reasons the dollar hasn't long since tanked. We have significant capacity for higher taxes. Coming soon - once the coast is clear economically and politically.