Friday, October 2, 2009

How to look unpresidential

Barry is setting a new standard for looking unpresidential. First he goes on every news channel except Fox to try and sell health care reform. Next he appears on Letterman to do the same. Now he jets off to Copenhagen in an effort to win the Olympics for Chicago while Iran is about to get nuclear weapons and the War in Afghanistan is falling off the tracks.

Now his administration is attacking Fox News. Boy the left can always dish out vicious attacks based on lies but when they get criticized with facts like Van Jones and the Acorn debacle all of a sudden they attack the only news station that appears to be doing their job now. It must be awfully tough to be so arrogant that when someone actually points out mistakes you have made you attack them instead of correcting the errors.

Now we have the saga of another of his czars Kevin Jennings the Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education. Why, exactly, would a President put someone who admires those who advocate homosexual relationships between middle-aged men and high school or junior high school aged boys in charge of "safety" in American public schools? Who would do that? It's not as though Kevin Jennings' benign view of such exploitation is a secret; on the contrary, this is his career, his claim to fame, his qualification for federal employment. One can only ask: is the Barry administration completely insane?

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