Monday, October 12, 2009


I guess Rush's stand against socialism was all BS.
Rush now wants to buy an NFL team.
A league that reeks of socialism.
Where the league rules state Green Bay gets as much money as the New York Giants.
Explain Rush Mr. Capitalism


Hags said...


Don't confuse an oligarchy with either capitalism or socialism. The Owners and the Players (through their agent called the Union) have figured out how to play the Masses (that's us, called the People) for the benefit of Billionaires (the Owners) and Millionaires (the Players). Why the People (through their agents called the Government) agree to subsidize Billionaires and Millionaires at the expense of the People (through taxes) to build stadia and to provide other tax breaks is beyond me!!!


PS. I threw in that "Stadia" thing just to demonstrate what an Ivy League Elitist I am.

Baxter said...

Once again, I agree with Hags. It also speaks to a larger issue. States and local governments routinely cut special deals to encourage business to locate within their jurisdiction. If BMW wants to build a new plant, it will line up RFPs from governments to see who will offer the sweetest deal with respect to taxes and subsidies. Mall developers and car dealerships do the same thing here, pitting one city against another in their pursuit of sales tax receipts. I'd like to see the practice banned nationwide. Governments need to establish tax and spending policies and let the chips fall where they may. Ultimately, taxes will be lower for everyone if special deals are not cut for a few.

Mark R. said...

Buying a football team is also a capitalistic investment. Throughout history the value of an NFL franchise has increased dramatically creating a big capital gain opportunity. On top of this player contracts depreciated using accelerated depreciation which causes the expenses to be larger in the early part of a contract which lowers net taxable income.

Sounds pretty capitalistic to me.

Jim G. said...

Rich(ie), you just cannot see the minimal.

Look at enviroments where taxes are low in total, they flourish!

Low tax enviroments reduce the sillyness you describe, the fiddlers have less to play with.

Terry, sounds like good old Capitalism to me.