Friday, October 2, 2009

The weak Commander In Chief

I am sure all of you remember the rhetoric from the Democratic party about the wars. If we were in control we would move everything out of Iraq and put everything into the just war, the one in Afghanistan. We would certainly catch Usama Bin Laden unlike the Bush Administration.

So let me ask you lefties out there now is this guy going to blow the War in Afghanistan? Is he going to make it another Vietnam by letting the radical left wing dictate how we fight the war instead of listening to his Generals like President Bush listened? Barry is on the verge of taking a War that we were winning and instead create the biggest terrorist recruiting tool the world has yet seen. If we lose this war the rest of the world will see how weak this President is. What most lefties can not get through their drug addled brains is that there are evil people in this world and they see weakness as opportunity and only respect strength in a negotiation.

If we lose in Afghganistan every soldier who had died there will have died in vain. Barry is more concerned in trying and failing to bring the Olympics to Chicago so that his inner circle can make a financial killing than he is in communicationg with the General in Charge of the war effort. As President Bush allegedly stated "this Cat just doesn't get it".

Remember how the left kept arguing that Gitmo was this huge terrorist recruiting tool without ever offering any evidence as to the accuracy of their statements? Now Barry is again showing is ineptitude by not being able to close down Gitmo by the time listed in one of his first executive orders. I wonder how many thousands of terrorists will join Al Queda because of this?

This President is clearly demonstrating that he is not ready for prime time. We need to impeach him before the damage to this country becomes too great. If we lose in Afghanistan we will allow the Taliban and Al Queda to establish a nation that made the old Afghanistan look like Disneyland.


Baxter said...

The execution of Afghanistan and Iraq was so bad under Bush it was surreal. Honestly, if we didn't know better we'd think he was trying to lose. In the future, there will be conspiracy theorists that postulate that in fact, Bush did want to lose. It would have been impossible to perform so poorly otherwise.

Mark R. said...

You are hallucinating. Facts are facts and the taliban was much more under control while President Bush was the Commander In Chief. Just like a Liberal to just make up stuff and throw it out there.

We are bringing the troops home from Iraq because of the surge strategy and the fact that President Bush was smart enough to listen to the militarty experts. Unfortunately Barry is so arrogant that he believes he knows more than Generals.

Barry used way too many drugs at Columbia.

Baxter said...

If Bush had done his job, Obama would not have had to deal with Afghanistan. It has been eight friggin' years! General McChrystal will tell you that Bush handed Afghanistan to Obama at the lowest point of the war with things only getting worse.

We should have consolidated our 2002 victory. We should have created a large, well trained Afghan national army, and all foreign troops should be long gone. Our efforts in the lawless Pakistan frontier would be all but unnecessary had we executed a coherent plan six and seven years ago.

Iraq is a another story altogether. Our ineptitude was far more pronounced in this Keystone Kops effort. That said, I am impressed with our efforts from the Surge forward.