Friday, October 2, 2009

Obama fails miserably with the IOC

I imagine all of those individuals out there that believed that Barry is the second coming of the promised one instead of the second coming of Jimmy Carter must be in mourning today.

Chicago finished dead last. Good thing that we spent all that money flying Barry and Michelle over there on separate jets.

Hopefully he will finally wake up and smell the coffee and realize that he is not as great as his insiders have been telling him.

The IOC certainly was impressed by him. Where did Chicago finish? Dead last.


Baxter said...

Mark -

That didn't take you long at all. As a patriotic American, I am disappointed in the decision. Those who think less of our country may take delight in a setback to our president.

If I were a neutral third party, Rio would get my vote. South America has never hosted the Olympics. They are way over due.

Jim G. said...

If you were an aware American, aware that we are going broke, aware that city's and countries lose lots of money on the Olympics you would not support hosting the event. We are broke and need to save money!

Also, the fool should not have gone there unless the deal was done. Talk about wasting stature.


Same deal with Iran, boy is he getting whacked around. Turns out there are some people who we cannot "talk" to.

We are very close to military action by Israel which in the setting of a weak world economy just may set us back a Trillion (I use Trillion for emphasis because apparently it has no real meaning to the left) years.

We are paying the price for his naive stupidity and GWB firmness is looking better every day!

Baxter said...

More alternate reality tripe.

Mark R. said...

Rich will always be in dreamland instead of the real world. If you think that China is going to get on board and support sanctions than I have some prime swamp land to sell you.

Anonymous said...

It's very simple. That racist IOC selection committee is punishing us for all of Bush's transgressions.

Anonymous said...

Ganem has it right. Just as a lawyer should never ask a question unless he knows the answer the President should not have gone to Copenhagen unless he knew he had the bid in the bag.