Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I remember a post a while back by Rich about not being able to reason with Conservatives

Well Rich lets talk about the beliefs of your mates on the left.

The Democratic party is made up of people who believe O.J. was innocent. That the US Government planned and executed the 9/11 attacks. That US astronauts never landed on the moon. That the human race has a bigger impact on the Earth's climate than the Sun. That animals deserve more respect than Humans. That US policies are the cause of all of the unrest in the world. That you can improve the crumbling education system in the inner cities of the US by ignoring the root causes but instead just keep piling more and more money on top of what has already been wasted. That Acorn is a good organization that deserves more taxpayer money. That there is no evil in the world and everyone can be reasoned with by just negotiating and not having to resort to any military options. That it is not racism when well in excess of 90% of a race votes for the candidate with the same color skin. That abortion is not killing a human being. That you can solve an economic crisis by spending trillions of dollars believing that for every dollar that is spent on one-off highway repairs that several dollars will come back to the US Treasury. That charging people money for not having health insurance is not a tax. That it is a smart thing to force financial institutions to loan money to those who cannot pay it back even after this behavior was the prime reason we had a mortgage meltdown in the first place. That it is OK to rape a teenage girl by drugging her as long as you are a famous Hollywood producer. That Barry would make a great President just because he was editor of the Harvard Law Review even though he produced no scholarly articles. That Labor Unions should be in control of the companies that they work for. I could go on all day with this list of insane beliefs of the left in this country.

Now these are the types of people who are Czars in the Barry administration.

God help us!


Baxter said...

Mark - your comments are ridiculous. Democrats typically believe that man never landed on the moon? That OJ was innocent? You apparently do not have a clue about the party in power. You also appear to have a problem with black people. Vent away.

Jim G. said...

Now Mark...The left really does not believe that man did not land on the moon...let's be honest.

OK, but the rest of that stuff, yea you got a point. (Humor)


All sides have wacko's.

These issues extend from the proper function of government and freedom.

Specifically, the government should not be involved in picking winners and losers with bailouts, loans or education.

This is truly the root cause of our discontent.

terry said...

nobody's trying to pick winners, just trying to have a fair game.