Thursday, October 29, 2009

The insanity of the liberals

Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

So now we have the left wing socialists racking up one entitlement program after another with a deficit of almost 1.5 trillion dollars and no end in site.

They are telling us that Obama Care will not add to the deficit and then they try to placate Doctors on the medicare reductions by attempting an end run and passing a side bill that was over 400 billion and hoping that the public would not notice.

These guys are the scum of the earth and will destroy this nation's future if this continues.

There is no way that Obama Care is going to be deficit neutral. The insanity is believeing that the government can do anything for less money than what the private economy can do it for. Please name one government run program besides the prescription medicine program started under our last President that has come anywhere near the amount that we were first told.

So now we want the government to run anonther sixth of the economy? What is wrong with liberals? Can't they face the facts?

Are they going to run health care like the Postal Service? How about Amtrack? Medicare? Medicade? I think the government should first show us how they can control the fraud so rampant in Medicare before they take on the entire health care industry. How stupid can people be that they believe this liar in chief and his henchmen when they tell us how good this will be for the economy and the taxpayers?

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