Friday, January 8, 2010

Alternative Energy -Sure!

Once again we hear about the need for alternative energy. Great, but the hypocrisy on the Left is overwhelming. Not in my back yard. From the private jets landing in Copenhagen, the Limo use in Copenhagen to wind farms in Nantucket - it's laughable.


Baxter said...

Wow. This is one where Mark C and I agree! As is usually the case, I am anti-NIMBY.

Mark Chaney said...

Thanks I'm glad we agree, we probably have more in common than you think. However, I am not familiar with anti-NIMBY?

Baxter said...

NIMBY = Not In My Back Yard - the support of narrow, parochial interests over the greater good.

It is hard to credibly support alternative energy yet oppose wind power near ones "back yard".