Saturday, January 9, 2010

Terry, yes you are, heaven help us.

Most of your recent posts have been prattle and quite frankly, like most Liberals, you really do not understand what you say and most importantly the consequences.

As I have said many a time, Liberals need to lie to define Conservatives, we have so such issues with your side.

We can argue, pointlessly I might add, about the beliefs of Lincoln, however, there are no tenants in Conservatives that tolerate prejudice. Point in fact, the strong opposition Conservatives have for racial set asides as evidenced by the Michigan case of a few years ago. We are not a belief system tolerant of bigots and yet you keep lying and lying.

However....What we say about you...You are for spreading the wealth around, heck, your candidate used those exact words. We say that is immoral and does not work.

Your side has controlled things for a year, your side has threatened the prosperous with taxes (cap and trade, health care excise, income to name a few) to spread the wealth,. Your side has spent a trillion dollars on a stimulus (no conservative support-zero) in a orgy of (Rich's) Keynesian manipulation with an ever growing unemployment rate.   You have created that which you believe in, in spades.

I read today the NYT as it apologizes for the "o" (notice how I now use a lower case o) because things are just so difficult now.

Liberalism, which is un admitted Socialism, which is un admitted Communism....Does not work. Time after time after time.

Now, an ever growing unemployment rate! I remember...I do, the Democrats lamenting, during the previous administration, that while there was only a 5% unemployment rate, they were not "good" jobs, as in, "if only we could control the economy" there would be "good" jobs.

Well here they are folks, the good jobs now are called unemployment! In response to a loss of another 85,000 jobs our president announced measure to create 17,000 new green jobs.

Terry, you ARE a Democrat, you do not understand economics, you do not know how to defend this country and every time the country "buys the lies" (I should trade mark that one) we suffer through these meltdowns.

Now before, before you and Rich(ie) get started. Unemployment is going to get worse, states are going broke and may default. The deficit is going to get larger.  Nothing you are doing is going to stop it.  We need to unlease the creaters in this country.  You and yours are punishing them!


Baxter said...

Obama inherited an economy in free fall, shedding over 700,000 jobs in his first month in office. Employment grew thanks to Obama's stewardship in November - the first job growth since 2007. We lost 85,000 jobs in December - a tiny fraction of what Bam faced in his new job. Keynesian economic policy is clearly cleaning up the supply side mess.

Why is the most conservative part of our country the same region formerly known as the "slave states"? Why did the most conservative part of our country enforce segregation as recently as 50 years ago, only capitulating in the face of troops sent by Kennedy & Johnson?

I love liberal/conservative comparisons - especially regarding the economy. The right wingers just tanked our economy as they did when bringing on the Great Depression. Voters will be reminded of this soon enough.

Mark Chaney said...

Once again Poor Obama "inherited", no he didn't - he wanted the job and they spent close to a billion dollars getting him elected. Let's see some progress - to date none. Please spare me the excuses. As far as Keynesian policies go - let's really ramp up the economy, print 3-4 times more money and borrow even more, let's really get it going. Hell why even stop there, let's double those numbers, it will be even better.

As far as the South goes they were Democrats. I've lived in the South and most Northerners and Westerners are so ignorant regarding the South. In fact most of the Liberals I know are the most bigoted and non-tolerant.

Liberals/Socialists still make up a small portion of the country - Thank-God. This is still a Center-Right country as is seen in the latest Gallup polling. 40% Conservative 36% Moderates and 21% Liberals.

The Left has gained a foothold from a very Liberal Media and 3 Generations who have attended our Public School System where American History and Civics are given no importance. You can ask any High School Honors student or many College students (including top universities) the most basic guestions regarding our history and government and they don't have a clue. You can watch Leno or Letterman, many times they go to NYU law school or Yale - it's hillarious but sad. What a shame.

Let's face facts it was the Republicans who gave Johnson what he needed to pass civil rights legislation. However we could have done without the Great Society.

terry said...

Jim, This country has a progressive tax system and always have had a progressive tax system. That is by it's very nature is "spreading the wealth around" Why do you always try and make it class warfare. The people who have benifited the most pay the most. Change the tax code don't blame Obama.
Look the Republican's were on the wrong side of civil rights and that is why the blacks vote Democratic, stupidly sometimes I agree but like every one else they have long memories of being not able to vote or get good jobs, that is a fact as much as you may not want to believe it. Facts are stubborn things as they say.
I take offense to my posts being prattle and I do understand my position and for you to claim I do not understand my position is such a "Republican point of view" I know what is best for you the unwashed. Love T

Baxter said...


You are playing with semantics. Obama earned his job through the ballot, but he inherited an economy. If you are scoring someone's effectiveness on the job, you need to compare the current circumstance to what they found on their first day one the job. You hate this point, since events have completely discredited your economic philosophy. As Terry says, facts are stubborn things.

The Keynesian policies of the Clinton era were very effective and produced a surplus. He was actually paying down some of Reagan's bills. The western economies operate employing Keynesian theory, more or less. Even Chicago Mark supports Keynesian economics, even though doesn't know it.

Why was the "Solid South" Democratic, Mark? Because Abraham Lincoln, the Great Liberator, was a Republican. The Old Confederacy didn't forget it and the South was essentially a single party state for 100 years. It was also very CONSERVATIVE.

What happened, Mark? Why is the "Solid South" now solidly Republican? Because they are conservative. They didn't like civil rights legislation (Jesse Helms called it "so-called cicil rights laws") beginning with Truman's integration of the armed services. That caused the effective formation of the "Dixiecrats" led by Strom Thurmond, who later became the longest serving Republican Senator.

There were Republicans, including Nixon, that were sympathetic to the civil right cause. Nonetheless, it was championed by the liberals, not the conservatives. Facts is facts and this one is not a close call.

The south recognized that the Democratic Party is the liberal and moderate party and consequently moved to the GOP side en masse. The 1994 Republican takeover of the House was in many ways a matter of truth-in-labeling. Conservative Democrats switched parties and those that didn't were beat by still more conservative Republicans.

You think we are a center/right country? Really? We have a Democratic president and solid majorities in both houses. The Democrats have won the popular vote in four of the last five presidential elections. Chicago Mark will tell you that liberals are under-represented since they do not vote as frequently as conservatives. I think we are a centrist country, center/left if you count the popularity of all the Democratic programs (Social Security, Medicare, etc).

What makes the media liberal? This is often repeated - I think they are merely more liberal than you. Europeans would tell you our media is corporate and conservative. Our media outlets have one mission - make money for shareholders (and I have no problem with that).

Europeans are much better educated than Americans and are also more liberal. Don't blame educational failings on the Democrats. A well educated nation would not give Fox News high ratings. On net, we are a nation of dummies.

Finally - I actually agree with you on the Great Society - well intentioned but a very expensive failure. We are still paying for it in many ways.

Jim G. said...

Take what you wish but this (edited) is prattle.

I am a Democrat because my party looks like America. It is not crowded with one race, ethnic group, religion, etc. You don't need an expensive ticket to get in. Everyone's invited. EXCEPT THOSE WHO ARE NO, CLIMATE DENIERS, EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS, PRO-LIFE TO NAME A FEW.

Admittedly, I have some negative reasons for my party choice. I am a Democrat because I believe there are, among the other guys, more politicians who are rotten guys. Schlafly, Limbaugh, Nixon, Agnew, Bush, Cheney, Starr, Rove, Ashcroft, Coulter,Hannity, Beck. AS OPPOSED TO COLMS, GORE, OBERMAN(sp)? Those who look to the worst in human nature. Those who are greedy and arrogant. Those who see themselves as intellectually superior and therefore more deserving. Those who think that those worse off than themselves are deservedly so. Those who are dismissive of, unconcerned for, arrogant toward people of lesser wealth, lesser ability, lesser intelligence. Those who have little or no respect for honest laborers. Those who trust the free enterprise system to cure all ills. Those who demand self-sufficiency from the poor but welcome government perks themselves.


Baxter said...

Notice how the Good Doc had no answer for why the most conservative states have the history of slavery, Jim Crow laws and overt racism?