Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rich and Terry join the trend and not be left behind

Rasmussen polling finds that the number of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats has fallen to the lowest level recorded in seven years of tracking by Rasmussen Reports, down six percent since the November 2008 elections. Democrats and Republicans are now in a virtual dead heat. And this is American adults, not likely voters. When you shift to likely voters the Republicans are now clearly ahead.

This administration makes me think of Alfred Lord Tennyson and his famous poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade". Will these Democrats in Congress continue to "not to reason why" but blindly do as they are told by Barry and his minions? Has there ever been a POTUS that has broken more campaign promises in his first year than the one we have now? No wonder his approval rating is in free fall.

1 comment:

Baxter said...

Mark -

We agree that Republicans are over-represented in elective office, due to their diligent attendance on election day. If the Democrats simply match Republican turn-out ratios, our nation will move substantially to the left.

I think the Good Doc will tell you that Obama has simply dome what he said he would.

I'll remind you that his "free fall" in the polls is no worse than Reagan's.

You are thinking with your heart and not your head. It is a political eternity until election day.