Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The worst AG in history

Rich attempted to cloak the idiocy of the latest DOJ decision concerning Abdulmutallab by comparing him to Richard Reid. Nice try!

The problem with this Red Herring is all of the other decisions being made by Holder recently.

When you put this one next to the administration's treatment of Khalid Sheik Mohammed as a criminal defendant. No reason of law or justice, history or tradition, supports the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed et al. in federal court. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2009/11/17/bowing_to_world_opinion__99181.html
The Barry administration is stalwart in its refusal to articulate the rationale supporting the treatment of particular perpetrators as criminal defendants rather than enemy combatants.

Attorney General Holder's announcement of the "forum decisions for 10 Guantanamo Bay detainees" likewise lacked the statement of a rationale. Addressing KSM et al., here is what Holder said:
I am confident in the ability of our courts to provide these defendants a fair trial, just as they have for over 200 years. The alleged 9/11 conspirators will stand trial in our justice system before an impartial jury under long-established rules and procedures....
[M]y decision as to whether to proceed in federal courts or military commissions was based on a protocol that the Departments of Justice and Defense developed and that was announced in July. Because many cases could be prosecuted in either federal courts or military commissions, that protocol sets forth a number of factors - including the nature of the offense, the location in which the offense occurred, the identity of the victims, and the manner in which the case was investigated - that must be considered. In consultation with the Secretary of Defense, I looked at all the relevant factors and made case by case decisions for each detainee.

In his announcement Holder never got around to articulating the rationale or applying it to the cases. He left the rationale unstated.

The United States has never tried enemy leaders responsible for acts of war in civilian courts. Never before in American history has the United States brought its martial enemies to trial in a civilian court and cloaked them with the protections of the United States Constitution. Someone in a position to do so really ought to question responsible administration officials such as Holder and Brennan in a forum designed to secure a full statement of reasons accounting for the administration's actions. In other words how long is it going to take for Congress to act? When the worst AG in history keeps making decisions that are arguably making this nation less safe and costing untold amounts of money in the case of the trials of KSM et al., there needs to be someone who will step up before it is too late.

By the way have any of you wondered why Al Queda has recently stepped up their aggressiveness? Could it be that they sense the weakness in this administration that the majority of Americans are sensing?


Baxter said...

Worse than John Mitchell (R), who did time? Worse than Alberto Gonzales (R) who should do time? Worse than John Ashcroft (R) who lobbied to change the threat level for political expediency?

Mark (R), you have a short and convenient memory.

Mark R. said...

Yes he is worse than all three of these men. Many Americans will lose their lives because of this guys misguided decisions. Throwing Alberto Gonzales and John Ashcroft in to the conversation is pathetic political blathering. Yes Rich he is even worse than Janet Reno, see Davidian compaound in Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge.

Baxter said...

We'll see if Eric Holder ever has to do time in a Federal pen as Mitchell (R) did, or if he has to resign in disgrace as Gonzales (R) did. I doubt he will tweak the terror alerts either.

I fully support Janet Reno and her actions in Waco and Ruby Ridge. When the law knocks on your door, you'd better let them in. Why do you want to take the side of pedophile evangelists and white supremacist secessionists, anyway?

I remember Waco well. The Feds needed to get in as children were being held and abused (among many other crimes). How could they have prevented the "charismatic Christian" from setting the place ablaze?

I, for one, am on the side of America and law and order. You can have your secessionists such as Randy Weaver and Rick Perry...