Friday, January 29, 2010

As a sign of just how desperate the Republicans are, consider this report in the Boston Herald:
If Scott Brown has kept President Obama up at night, there could be more sleepless nights at the White House thanks to a new poll that ranks the senator-elect as presidential timber.
A Newsmax/Zogby poll shows the Massachusetts Republican within striking range of Obama in a hypothetical presidential matchup.
The poll shows the pair statistically deadlocked if the presidential election were held today.  The online news site,, reported that Obama leads Brown by 46.5 percent to 44.6 percent.
C'mon, Scott Brown? His victory last week was undoubtedly impressive, but let's put things in perspective. Brown is merely a state senator, and by the time of the next presidential election, he will have served less than a full term in the U.S. Senate. What could possibly give anyone the idea that he's experienced enough to go to the White House?

1 comment:

Baxter said...

Thanks, Jim. I use sarcasm quite a bit myself.

When I saw the Drudge headline, "Will He Run For President?" under Scott Brown's picture the day after the election, I realized just how shallow the GOP bench was when such a question was asked before he had even been seated. The Republicans also like a flavor of the moment - look at Palins rapid rise (including a breathless blog from Jim) and fall (except among the base, who inexplicably still really like her).

That said, there is a Brown/Obama parallel. After his 2004 convention speech, many Dems pegged him as presidential timber. At the time, and up until he won the nomination, I too felt that Obama's aspirations were premature. Shows what I know.