Monday, January 25, 2010

Going "leftier"?

When Billy got wacked, he retreated, regrouped, repackaged and started saying things others had been saying as if they were his idea.  He also realized his base was leading him to destruction. remember the famous "box" drawn by Gore wondering where do we stand?

By reports and observation, "o" is not going to triangulate but instead is becoming more populist and going to double down on the unwanted liberal agenda.  Should be an interesting State of the Union address.

Crazy Rich and Terry, I would be interested in your thoughts and predictions. Where goes "o" now?

An objective look would suggest that on his current course he and his presidency are headed for catastrophe. Of course, when the country saw Rev. Wright I thought his candidacy was over, so what do I know.

1 comment:

Baxter said...

President Clinton triangulated out of necessity - he has a Republican Congress. I was glad to see him follow his instincts, rather than his base, for I too am a centrist.

President Obama need not triangulate. In fact, I don't think it would pick up one vote - the GOP is not in a cooperating mood in any event. Obstructionism has served them well - thus far. The Democratic Congress has all the votes it needs provided there is party discipline (I know what Will Rogers said, and he was right).

I would pass the Senate Health Care bill - which is not dead - and deal with energy/environment through reconciliation, which requires but 50 votes in the Senate. I would not count on even one Republican vote in the Senate for anything save for a SCOTUS nominee.

I would have two kinds of votes going forward this year: bills for passage that do not need GOP votes (reconciliation) and populist political votes that will help distinguish between the parties on matters where we want such "transparency."

The voters anger is first and foremost directed at ineptitude and the inability to govern. They don't like the sausage making process that has not and will not change under either party. Again, we have the votes to solve those problems. We need some organization and Plouffe will help to that end. We also need some enforcement - Rahm needs to play Tom DeLay and put the fear of god in the Democratic caucus. A Dem Congressman that doesn't vote for health care should count on a well funded primary opponent. If they aren't with us on this key political issue, what good are they?

68% of Massachusetts voters approve of their universal coverage program - even a small majority of Brown voters are in favor. The American people will love the Health Care bill this November if it is passed next month. We have plenty of time to brag about our legislative success and how today's Democrats did what others have been trying to do for 100 years without success.

The Democrats including the White House need to remind the voters who got us into this mess. Hags is right: "They won't let us" is no excuse and is doomed to electoral failure. However, we still remember the Hoover (R) presidency and so too we must remember GWB and the GOP Congress. The right wing chafes at "Blame Bush", but only because it is honest and effective. Let 2010 be Obama v Bush.

November's election results are very important. Officeholders elected this cycle will draw the redistricting maps in each of our states for the next ten years. The stakes are very high.

Remember - we can pass the Senate Health Care bill any time during this Congress - through 1/2/2011. Don't think for a moment it won't happen - it is the obvious thing for the Democrats to do. If not for the election, then afterwards when some wobbly pols may have their composure back.