Monday, April 27, 2009

Terry could have been the coauthor.

What is the difference between the drivel described in this book and the "new" "O" class warfare?

O 'Grady: The Idiot 's Bible -


Baxter said...

A better question is "where are the similarities?" between Obama and "Veins". It is a very silly comparison.

I actually agree with O'Grady on this topic. I see her often on the Wall St Journal Report on FNC. Normally, I do not see things her (right wing extremist) way.

Mark R. said...

They are exactly the same. Blame Wall Street, those that make over $250,000, corporate America and doctors for all of the problems we have in society. Never look at personal responsibility but instead blame the "MAN". The Democratic parties morally corrupt class warfare battle does nothing but plunge the poor deeper into poverty. But that is part of the plan. Make a large segment of America believe that you are doing everything you can for them so that they continue to vote for you but in reality push for entitlement programs and educational policies that keep the poor dependant on hand outs and undereducated has been working well for the Democrats for many years now. Why should they change their methodology now? Just like socialists and facists burn books and limit public discourse the Democratic party follows a plan that has been tried and tested all over the world where the arrogant elite think they know what is better for everyone. You never hear Republicans talking about applying a fairness doctrine to the liberal television and newspaper commentators that out number conservatives by huge numbers. In the end they bury the countries they run and I am afraid that this is going to happen to the US as well.

The young college students that came out in large numbers and supported Barry will have no one to blame but themselves for the trillions in debt that they will be paying for over their entire working lives.

Baxter said...

Nobody blames those who make over $250K. It is simply where the money is. That is the group that benefited most from GWB's reckless and irresponsible tax cuts. I say, God bless the high earners!

It is the GOP that began the class warfare and, so far, they are winning. Remember - most secretaries pay higher tax rates than the Fortune 500 CEOs they work for. How screwed up is that?

Today, we can all agree that Reagan + Bush deserve our scorn for the existing debt. You will have to wait a while to blame Obama or his supporters.

Mark R. said...

Are you kidding or what? So you want to punsih those who have benefited from their own hard work and situation?

The GOP started class warfare? You have to be kidding now. LBJ was a member of the Republican party?

Most secretaries pay higher tax rates than the fortune 500 CEOs they work for? You have to have a mental disorder! There is no other way to explain some of the stuff that you write.

The problem with your last statement is that we might not be able to afford to wait. In 100 days Barry has spent more than every other administration combined and that includes our last President. He is also far from finished spending.

Baxter said...

Mark -

Read my lips - I want to punish no one. I want to raise revenue and I go where the money is. I go where consumption will not be materially suppressed. It worked for WJC, it will work again. That said, I would not implement any tax hikes until GDP growth is in the black. Taxes are the cost of civilization, not the punishment.

LBJ is ancient history. I'm going back 28 years to 1981 and then again under GWB. If you'll notice, the wealthy's share of income has substantially increased. Some selfish ones complain about paying more in taxes but it is only because they made more!

Warren Buffet offered $1mm to top execs CEO that paid a higher income tax rate than his receptionist. He didn't get any takers. Perhaps eating crow will cure your mental disorder: