Friday, April 3, 2009

Too cool for chess?

St. B. Clinton did think ahead. This guy does seem to be a bit over his head. Can the Democrats affort to lose MI?


Baxter said...

Very odd comments. O is obviously in command at home and abroad.

Energy taxes, be they cap n' trade or carbon taxes are not politically popular. They need to be introduced when it is politically possible. Had we fully implemented Carter's energy policies in the '70's we would live in a much better world today.

Mark R. said...

Rich, it never ceases to amaze me how you can make statements as if they are facts with absolutely no real world factual eveidence to back those statements up.

You need to add in terms such as "it is my belief" because there is no factual evidence that currently exists that backs up your statement. However, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary which demonstrates what a tremendous backward economic impact these policies will have on us if enacted, especially given where the economy is today.

Baxter said...

It is my belief that Mark supports a "Do Nothing Republican Approach," that will, in my opinion, solidify the Democratic hold on Washington.

Mark R. said...

That is much better Rich.

However you are wrong in your belief. My view is that we need to concentrate on one thing right now because if we do not fix the one thing than everything else will also turn to crap. That one thing is the economy. Doing anything that could have a detrimental effect on an economic recovery is in my view suicidal. Why your boy in the White House cannot figure this out is astonishing.

I do believe that we need to do something about the toxic assets that are on the books of the finaincial institutions to make them more solvent. I also believe that bankruptcy reorganization should be used more to allow companies to restructure their financial commitments in order to become more competitive.

Most of all I believe that the heavy hand of government right now is just prolonging the crisis and could ultimately lead to a depression.

If you want the government to do something than maybe they should step in and guarantee a portion of the retiree benefits that some of our companies would jetison under bankruptcy protection. But to go in and actually tell the companies what to build and how to build it when they have no expertise in the matter is ludicrous. The arrogance of our current administration makes Bush and Cheney look shy.

Baxter said...

I agree with much of your first paragraph - we need to focus on the economy like a laser beam. Like it or not, our energy policy is a very large part of the economy we are trying to save. That is why I want to shift costs to energy and away from taxes on wages. It will create a virtuous cycle not seen since the days of St Clinton.

If I were writing the game plan, health care reform could wait a couple of years and the ultimate plan would maintain or DECREASE our total (public and private) spending on a per capita basis. We already spend too much measured against the rest of the first world.

I fully support the actions of the Treasury and Fed to date. Like them, I wish we could get a Lehman do over.

I am unhappy with Congress - led by Dems - posturing on AIG and on public disclosure of those borrowing at the Fed window. Both are populist winners and real world losers.