Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Guess I hit a nerve.

The two Richies and Terry have been apoplectic about some of my recent musings. RM after months of quiet finally writes. I am perplexed by their venom. There is no basis for their angst (except that I called them idiots, but hey this ain't bean bag:),. One ponders why? I think I understand, they don't want their boy criticized, you know he is just soooo smart.

First, I have not attacked the "O" personally although I do find his political development in the corrupt Chicago environment troubling.

Second, and this is easy to see coming:

Illegitimate presidency, stupid, dad got him into Harvard, Bush lied people died, no war for oil, war to avenge the assassination attempt on his dad, tax cuts for the rich, cocaine addict. Hummm....

We, the Conservatives, vehemently oppose these programs which are corrupting our country.
I have no issue that the "O" is not telling the truth. He talked about Socialism during his campaign and is now implementing it as a way of life.

I would have been at today's protest if I could have afforded the time away.

1 comment:

Baxter said...

Lots of nerve and an inability to admit when one is wrong. The GOP is a failed party, failed ideology - they have been undone. Now they root for our failure.

Running a medical practice is certainly impressive, but it certainly doesn't qualify the MD to brag about his business acumen or claim superior knowledge. In fact, most MDs would be utterly lost in business absent the MD by their name.

I was running a business while my fav doc was still in school. Warren Buffet has owned and operated myriad businesses over the years. We don't understand why supply-siders stick to their guns despite all of the evidence. It seems to be a matter of religion and not of science.

Fortunately, the GOP is entirely out of power. The Democrats were handed a ship taking on water in awful seas. Hopefully, we'll make enough progress over two years to maintain the Republicans tenure in the wilderness.