Friday, February 13, 2009

Let's be clear, you only liked Bush because he cried.

Lower in this beloved blog, a discussion ensues about how much understanding (read rope) we on the right, should give the "O", especially considering the good feelings given to President Bush by the American people, including the left, after 9-11. To which I reply... Really?

The only time a warm or good feeling was extended to Bush was after he cried when the chick reporter asked him a question about the loss of lives and their families. The touchy, feely left just eats up that crap. While empathy is nice, what a world power needs after it has been attacked is decisive thought and action. Bush admirably completed that mission and what he said that was really important after 9-11 was announcing the Bush Doctrine. Countries who harbor terrorists would not be tolerated and terrorist countries must renounce terrorism (he also said important things about non prejudice towards Muslims, but that is another story). Although there was lovey, dovey feelings for Bush after he cried, when he subsequently enforced his doctrine, he was excoriated by the left. So crying good, enforcing a policy of intolerance of terrorism or terrorists states that actually does something is bad. The left...hard to figure.

The Conservatives have been very clear regarding their opposition to this abortion of a bill. We oppose the creation of a socialist/Stalinist state which will be the logical outcome of the "O"s plans to "spread the wealth around". Now that this abortion looks like it is going to pass without any conservative support and frankly not a member of Congress aware of what is in this monstrosity, YES.... the "O" is the worst president ever! Didn't even take a month.

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