Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some ASS named Jerry posted this in the AZ republic.

Tax cuts do not work to stimulate the economy. Yes they do, they always do and will again. Besides it is not tax cuts, it is letting people keep their money. We need direct relief to workers, homeowners, parents and teachers - the working class - to make this economy work. Jerry pretty much wants others money provided to....Jerry.
I still hold that if the stimulus were divided among all the people of the USA equally, our economy would immediately boom - mortgages would be paid, credit cards paid, loans paid off, etc. Banks would not fail as a result.Where are we going to get this money Jerry? From the money Fairy? We are going to get this money from our kids and their kids and from those who have more than... you guessed it...Jerry! Right Jerry?
Paying all this bailout money to the financial institutions is doing nothing but soothing our fears that if they fail, we all fail. So how about this Jerry, we let the magic of Capitalism work and respect property rights. We quit forcing banks to loan money to those who cannot afford the payments and we let failing companies fail!
Wake up. We are all failing because we don't have what we need to meet our financial obligations. If we had what we needed to pay off our debts of all kinds, the financial institutions would all benefit and we could move forward. - Jerry Foster-Pitts, Phoenix No Jerry, you wake up to the U.S. of Socialism that you are turning this country into... Heaven help us with your kind in charge.


terry said...

Jim it's all so simple when you explain it. I do not understand why the brightest guys in this country do not know as much as you. This was mess caused by Capitalism. It is not going to be solved by more Capitalism (GREED) but by regulations on GREEDY WALL STREET people who produce no GDP, they just make up products to sell and cheat one another

Jim G. said...


It is not called greed, it is called doing business, but in this case doing warped business due to government intervention.

It is also called property rights, as in we have the right to what we earn.

You really think the messiah is going to eliminate greed with regulations? The fairest economy is the free economy. A less free economy has a greater risk of corruption. Do you seriously want to argue otherwise?

We got into this problem with regulation, now you want to regulate more! And the fool Jerry? He just wants his fair share, determined by who? From whom?

You are going to have a revolt of the producers in this country.

Richie complains about Republican spending, yet look who is fighting the Pork in the Porkulus bill?

I told you it was like letting the fox watch the hen house. A three trillion dollar deficit, this year!

How about tax cuts, and limiting the size and scope of government!

Bullshit is bullshit.

Jim G. said...

And by the way, yes it is very simple when you follow the rules and respect rights.

Freedom, free markets, self reliance, strong national defense and the rule of law.

Baxter said...

Yeah - lets do the same thing we did for the past eight years. Thats the ticket!

I guess some folks never learn...

Jim G. said...

Better we do the things of the last 8 years than we increase the national debt by 30% in one year alone, without dealing with medicare or state deficits.

And, with the pro-labor bias in the Porkulus bill, say good bye to many good businesses.

Mark R. said...

Maybe Jerry should start spending within his means.