Wednesday, August 26, 2009

CIA and Torture

Here is the only question we need to ask ourselves...Lets say that you had your son kidnapped by terrorists, and there we two of them and you caught one of them, and he said your son has 24 hours to live. Tell me what means of extraction would anyone of us use to get the information out of the captured terrorist to get our son back...sitting down at the table with a cup of coffee and trying to negotiate with him, or pull his finger nails out or put his buster browns in a vice until he spilled the beans on where your son was located. Answer this question honestly. Me he would only hope the vice is all I used


Gary Ponzo said...

This is just too much to resist comment-- What if an alien spaceship came down and pointed a Phaser at your son, set on Kill. Would you use the controversial Vulcan Death Grip? Or the more conventional Vulcan Nerve Pinch? This question gets asked all the time and it's like the chicken and egg theory, there's no right answer. Because these damn aliens can lie to you in like 300 different languages. So how do you know whether they're telling the truth or their eyeball normally twitches a hundred times a second?
Hypotheticals are great for political fodder, but let's be real--terrorists are like aliens without facial hair. If they're stupid enough to be a terrorist in the first place, I wouldn't rely too much on their information.
However, if I were in that situation, I'd go with the Romulan toe-tickle.

Jim G. said...

I'd pull the MFer's nails out then cut off his nads.

Having said that I am a private citizen and would be breaking the law with my passionate actions.

The Bush administration, however, performed legal actions under judicial review under difficult circumstances.

I am sure, as in all manners of law enforcement, there were errors of administration of tactics.

However, to retrogradely review such actions under a partisian perspective opens a BIG ASS can of worms.

Mark R. said...

this does go to another area of commentary though. First is the timing. Certainly an effort to get the nation to overlook the fact that Barry and crew underestimated the deficit by 2 TRILLION DOLLARS. And they want us to entrust them with another one sixth of the economy?
To be a good liberal you must have to be brain dead. However there is no question that the aggressive interrogation techniques worked with KSM. This alone is good enough for me.

The other thing that this points out is that being a liberal is defined by their hypocrisy in almost all matters. We are in favor of wind power but it can't be anywhere near where I might live. We are in favor of moving the Gitmo prisoners to the US as long as they aren't moved anywhere near me. We are in favor of single payer health care for everyone but us in Government. It is American to shout out your dissent as long as it is not directed at something I am in favor of. And the list goes on and on.

Mark R. said...

The other thing this does point out is the mean spiritness which defines the Democratic party. If Bush had pardoned someone like the FARC terrorists or Marc Rich the Democrats would be investigating these as well. Seeing that the worst AG in history was behind these pardons he should be thanking his lucky stars that the Bush administration was one of high character, fairness and decency next to Barry and his clowns> Need another example please review the facts surrounding Sandy Berger. If the shoe was on the other foot based on what we are seeing now from the Democrats Mr. Berger would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law had he been a Republican operative who stole and destroyed documents which he feloniously removed from the National Archives to cover up missteps and lies.

Baxter said...

Mean and bitter is no way to go through life...

Mark R. said...

So Rich when are you going to change?

Mark R. said...

Rich we all can see by your weak comments recently that you truly cannot believe how inept your boy Barry is. Two trillion off in their estimate of the deficit! The polls just keep dropping. Soon more and more Dems will be running for cover from Barry, Rahm, Reid and Pelosi.

Baxter said...

Mark ~

I am not taking your bait just yet. I'm enjoying the beach.

As you know, the changes in deficit estimates are due to the inherited recession and previously underestimating just had bad Bush had screwed things up.

God bless our president. He has taken the baton from Teddy. Camelot lives!