Monday, August 3, 2009

More global warming hypocrisy?

On July 28th the WSJ reported that many foreign automakers will be exempt from the newly mandated CAFE standards that will threaten to cripple, we the taxpayers, investments in GM and Chrysler.
If you read the article the exemption is being referred to as "The German Provision" and is patterned after the California provision that exempts all car makers who sell less than 60,000 units in California of having to meet the CAFE standards.

So much for the seriousness about curbing emissions and stopping the liberal hoax of "global warming" if it will impact the BMW, Mercedes or Lexus that the liberal elite drive.

Here is a posting as a comment to the article that I believe says it all "Liberals need something fancy to drive, while the peasants only need fuel-efficient transport and they can always ride public transportation. The world would end if Al Gore had to fly commercial or drive a Chevy."

So much for fair competition and the level playing field for the companies that we have such huge investments in. If they want to be fair they should exempt 400,000 vehicles for GM, Chrysler and Ford as well. But I am sure that this would send the California Green Wackos into a frenzy.

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