Friday, August 14, 2009


Elderly Americans are turning out in droves to fight ObamaCare, and President Obama is arguing back that they have nothing to worry about. While claims about euthanasia and "death panels" are over the top, senior fears have exposed a fundamental truth about what Mr. Obama is proposing: Namely, once health care is nationalized, or mostly nationalized, rationing care is inevitable, and those who have lived the longest will find their care the most restricted.

Far from being a scare tactic, this is a logical conclusion based on experience and common-sense. Once health care is a "free good" that government pays for, demand will soar and government costs will soar too. When the public finally reaches its taxing limit, something will have to give on the care and spending side. In a word, care will be rationed by politics.

Yes, the U.S. "rations" by ability to pay (though in the end no one is denied actual care). This is true of every good or service in a free economy and a world of finite resources but infinite wants. Yet no one would say we "ration" houses or gasoline because those goods are allocated by prices. The problem is that governments ration through brute force—either explicitly restricting the use of medicine or lowering payments below market rates. Both methods lead to waiting lines, lower quality, or less innovation—and usually all three.

The political and fiscal pressure to further ration Medicare would increase exponentially if government is paying for most everyone's care. The better way to slow the growth of Medicare is to give seniors more control over their own health care and the incentives to spend wisely, by offering competitive insurance plans. But this would mean less control for government, not more.

1 comment:

Mark R. said...

People are also seeing finally that the Barry administration is by far the most deceitful administration and arrogant administration possibly in history.

The elderly better be afraid with crack pots like Ezekial Emmanual and John Holdren having paid jobs as czars in the Barry administration.

If some of you have not heard or seen this stuff here you go.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who is the health-policy advisor at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and a member of the Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research (FCCCER) and also the brother of the President's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, has co authored a very recent controversial work about health care rationing.

You will need to cut and paste this link
You can read the article yourself and make your own judgements. Here are some tidbits:

"We recommend an alternative system--the complete lives system--which prioritises younger people who have not yet lived a complete life and also incorporates prognosis, save the most lives, lottery, and instrumental value principles."

"Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years."

"Consideration of the importance of complete lives also supports modifying the youngest-first principle by prioritising adolescents and young adults over infants. Adolescents have received substantial education and parental care, investments that will be wasted without a complete life. Infants by contrast, have not yet received these investments. Similarly, adolescence brings with it a developed personality capable of forming and valuing long-term plans whose fulfillment requires a complete life."

You don't have to be a genius to see where the arrogant liberal elites who are now in charge see where this is going.

If I was black and poor I would also be very afraid based on the writings of our Science Czar, Dr. Holdren.

Abortion, Euthanasia and Sterlization certainly could end up a part of our health care system based on the writings of Barry's inner circle.

People should be very afraid!

While Barry Fear Mongers his Health Care plan the real Fear is valid by those who are in strong opposition. Remember "words have meaning".