Friday, August 21, 2009

Global Warming

Al Gore noted the power of propaganda when he once told Grist, a magazine for environmentalists, that "it is appropriate to have an overrepresentation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience."
So why all the distortions about global warming? To save the planet, to save us from ourselves? No. To choke economies in developed nations, particularly the U.S.
"We will definitely have to move to a different concept of growth," Leipold told the BBC's Stephen Sackur in the same interview in which he acknowledged Greenpeace's mistake. "The lifestyle of the rich in the world is not a sustainable model."
This same thinking is found in the minds of so many of the global warming alarmists. They say they can make the trouble go away if they can just force the U.S. and other developed nations to cut their levels of consumption.
When all the pretense about science is stripped away, it becomes clear that the global warming scare is not about the planet, but about establishing egalitarianism across the world. It's about making everyone more equal by slowing growth in rich nations rather than increasing growth in poor and developing countries.
The mind-set can be found in campaigns such as Climate Justice, which "is not only the right tool for climate stabilization," says Jin-woo Lee, a policy analyst for the Energy & Climate Policy Institute for Just Transition, but also "the underlying principle for global equity."


Mark R. said...

Are you saying that Al Gore exagerated? Please say it isn't so that he did all of this for economic gain knowing full well that he was not telling the truth. No wonder the North Koreans did not want him coming there. Another lying Democrat who will sell his countries future out for his own ill gotten gains.

Baxter said...

Your comments about Al Gore, the unrecognized 43rd president of the United States, are ignorant and beyond the pale.

Jim G. said...

From our friend, our other brother Rich. He being an even more nutty liberal than the main Rich, one can only imagine. must have a leak in your O ring...take a look at the polar ice
caps, ocean temps, ozone layer..this has nothing to do with political's about saving the world for your kids