Monday, August 3, 2009


Someone help me out here on this closing of GITMO thing...It is my understanding that this prison holds about 250 people that have been put there because they are suspicious people...I also understand that this is a maximum security prison...I also understand that the people that are there are now treated OK, they probably live better now then they ever have, 3 squares per day, bed to sleep on, showers etc etc etc. So now Obama wants to close the prison because it give the US a bad rap in the world, first of all should we really give a crap what the rest of the world thinks of us in regards to GITMO, seeing as how they are not exactly chipping in and holding up there end of the log in the world of terror, and then we are going to move these people to other federal prisons in the US...latest is in Michigan or Kansas. So is that supposed to make us good guys because we move them, or should we say to the world SHOVE IT and we are going to use the GITMO prison.


Mark R. said...

Another brilliant idea by the Idiot In Chief. How many more billion do you think we will have to spend to make this happen? They keep delaying the funding needed to close GITMO. When the public find out how much it will cost to make this happen compared to the cost of leaving things the way they are there will be another public relations disaster for Barry.

Baxter said...

Plenty of room for the bad guys right here in the good ol' USA. The perverted desire to retain Gitmo is merely an effort to flip off the rest of the world. For some reason, the right wing hates to get along with the fellow inhabitants of this little blue dot.