Friday, March 20, 2009

AIG Inspired Mob Rule

I am extremely disappointed in the House of Representatives, grabbing their bipartisan pitchforks and passing this fundamentally flawed legislation. Hopefully, the Senate will be the "saucer that cools the coffee" and completely rewrite the crap that came out of the house.

Hopefully, the Chinese weren't watching as Congressman after Congressman berated Ed Liddy for not trying to weasel out of employment contracts. They would wonder if some day the same group will some day be trying to avoid honoring the full faith and credit of the USA. Why not?

If I was Ed Liddy I would have dramatically walked away from my $1 salary and lectured the committee that a deal is a deal is a deal. Contracts were not made to be broken - they were made to be honored and we have courts set up to enforce just that.

The popular outrage is misdirected and no one in Congress (or the Administration) has the balls to say so.


Mark R. said...

Rich, I agree with everything you said except for the fact that there were 93 votes against the bill. So your statement that no one in Congress has the balls is incorrect. Would like to guess the makeup of those 93 votes? I will end the suspense and tell you that only 6 Democrats had the stones to vote against this while 87 Republican stepped up. So less than 50% of the Republicans supported the bill which is still way too many. I found the perfect comment from a Republican Congresswoman from Oklahoma: Rep. Mary Fallin, R-Oklahoma City, called the bill "a cynical, unconstitutional measure to retroactively intervene in a private sector contract between employee and employer while levying a huge, 90% tax on earnings made through bonuses. This legislation was poorly conceived, hastily introduced and fraught with problems."

Wait, is she talking about the AIG bonus bill or the Stimulus package or the Funding package?

Whatever happened to the promise that everything would be transparent and that bills would be posted on the internet for 5 days before they were voted on. Had the stimulus bill been posted like Obamamessiah had promised I am sure that someone would have pointed the bonus language from the "Dodd Amendment" out.

Boy they sure are making a bigger mess of things!

By the way if I was Liddy I would have asked the posers why they voted for the stimulus package and whether they ever read a bill before they vote on it. What does he have to lose like you said he is only being paid a stinking $1 per year.

Baxter said...

Mark -

This thing is bipartisan whether you like it or not. On the aggregate, the GOP is acting better on this one issue, but barely.

I can rarely say this so I will, I completely agree with Mary Fallin's comment.

The "didn't read the bill" complaint is merely repeating Fox News talking points. How many bills are completely read by the members? This complaint could be voiced every time, however, Fox News ran with this point absent anything else to whine about.

Jim G. said...

Hello, Rich, parallel universe?

The party of free enterprise is standing tall on this issue as your side demagogues.

You must have learned you contrition from Begala.

The Baxter method lives!

Baxter said...

Parallel universe? Who is the party of free enterprise? The Dems are wrong on this one and about half the Republicans joined the mob. No group is standing tall on this one, though some individuals are (I assume from safe districts).

My opinion on this topic is entirely consistent with my views. The cynical and cowardly piling on in Congress is completely frustrating Bernanke + Geithner's efforts to right the ship. Obama has got to get out in front of this next week to prevent the citizenry from lynching recovery.