Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The main stream media's double standard continues

On the heels of Hillary's blaming of the US for Mexico's drug war problems comes the news that there is a video out there of Ashley Biden, Joe's daughter, snorting lines of white powder at a house party in her home state of Delaware. Of course you need to go to a foreign publication to get the news. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5998685.ece

Can you imagine the uproar if this was a video of Barbara or Jenna Bush? Remember the incessant drum roll over the fake ID? How about one of Sara Palin's kids? It will be interesting to see how long the left wing media keeps this story quiet.


Baxter said...

More sour grapes.

Mark R. said...

Rich, why are you incapable of thinking rationally? Just take a step back try to clear your mind and look at the facts. Any reasonable person can easily see the double standard. Do I give a rats ass if the master plagarist's daughter loves to suck Columbian Marching Powder up her nasal passages. Absolutely not but on the other hand was it that important that President Bush's daughters were caught with fake IDs. Yet the mainstream liberal press went on a feeding frenzy over it. They are still attacking Sara Palin's daughter. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Baxter said...

1. It was the MSM that discovered and reported Biden's Kinnock echo.

2. Biden is Veep, not the president. Nobody even knew Joe had a daughter, or cared.

3. Palin's daughter highlighted the irony of her mom's advocacy of abstinence only education. Further, she dragged those kids out on the stage and used the Downs syndrome kid as a prop.

Ask Al Gore if the MSM is biased. They jumped on everything he said trying to uncover any hint of exaggeration. Ask Bill n' Hill how well the press treated them. The press likes to tear down those who are up and rehabilitate those who are down.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Mark R. said...

You are incapable of seeing the facts.
You should ask Al Gore. There has never been any really serious examination of his movie nor the crap he continually spouts. It is a fact that the Polar Bear population is not decreasing but increasing. It is a fact that global temperatures are now dropping not increasing. Yet whenever you read about this flim flam man or see him on TV he is lionized.
Had the press not examined Hillary and Bill they would have lost all credibility. The way the press attacked Sarah Palin and her family, who I hasten to add was also a VP candidate like hair plug Joe, was so far over the top that it is beyond defending. It was all part of the campaign by the press to get their boy elected at all costs and the love and adulation that they are poring onto him even now defies credibility.

The press owes a duty to this country to present the facts even handedly. They try to hold themselves out as non biased but the facts are that the vast majority of journalists are left wing and their individual voting records and campaign contributions point this out.

Any argument by you or any other liberal to the contrary is simply smoke and not backed up by the real facts. The anti conservative anti republican Party amount of stories published in the main stream media over the last election cycle far out number the anti liberal anti Democratic stories. In fact when they do produce something about a democrat that is not favorable they ususlly do not print the fact that the individual is a democrat in the story. These are the facts.

It is not sour graping to point out something that is wrong. Until those who buy ink and paper by the ton are truly not biased we as a country can not have healthy discourse of divergent opinions which were the genesis and backbone of the establishment of our great country.

Baxter said...

Mark -

You simply get very unhappy with anyone who tows any line other than yours. You then find conspiracies, dark motives or utter stupidity in anyone who has the temerity to see things differently. My God, you talk to Terry like he is your red headed stepchild.

The MSM is made up of thoughtful, well read and educated folk. On the aggregate they are probably a little left of center. It isn't consequential.

I asked you why MSM is liberal considering they are owned and operated by multinational corporations. You never replied. Why do you think it is that the MSM leans left? Why not to the right?

Mark R. said...

Keep smoking that good stuff!

Baxter said...

What? I must be smoking something to think you'll answer a question?