Monday, March 30, 2009

God help private enterprise

The same people who run Amtrak, USPS and the BMV now think they can run the automobile industry. Having run several large companies in my career I can honestly state that they are in way over their tiny bureaucratic heads. fasten your seat belts. This is going to get real ugly!


Mark R. said...

This is the genesis of the the fall of the United States as a great nation. The blame America, left wing zealots are in control. Since they are all so arrogant and think they can run the auto industy better than men who have spent their entire lives in the industry I am not very hopeful of GM and Chrysler pulling out of the tail spin. It will be very interesting to see how the Obamamessiah deals with the UAW after GM declares bankruptcy.

Baxter said...

Obama has already pissed off the unions. Yesterday's GM/Chrysler marching orders were not in the UAWs plans.

I expect a very smooth pre-packaged BK filing for GM and the same for Chrysler, with a fire sale to Fiat of any assets worth having.

As for the fall of th US, Mr Evening in America, started in the last eight years. Read the reporting heading into the G20 Summit - it is all about America's diminished role in the world.