Friday, March 20, 2009

Hold Them Anyway?


Mark R. said...

During War sometimes innocents get hurt. No comment on the ones we did have who have gone right back to the battlefield? Now our idiot of an AG says that some of the Gitmo prisoners may be let loose in the US. I am sure you wouldn't mind these guys living in your neighborhood would you Rich. What about the innocent Americans who had their heads chopped off or all of the innocents who were killed on 9/11. How soon we forget!

Baxter said...

If we act like Nazis we will be rightly treated like Nazis. We can't give up our ideals for the sake of expedience. We have lost so much moral standing, it is going to be difficult to regain our former stature.

What didn't Bush/Cheney screw up? Geez!

Jim G. said...

Baxter II again.

Let us revisit the article.

but noted that the military has consistently said that dealing with foreign fighters from a wide variety of countries in a wartime setting was a complex process. The military has insisted that those held at Guantanamo were enemy combatants and posed a threat to the United States.

First time it is demonstrated that innocent Americans were imprisoned especially for political reasons, I will be in the street protesting with you, however, that has never been the case.

Mark is right, collateral damage is an unfortunate part of war, it just seems like the pacifists/Democrats do not realize that we remain in one.

Your side continues to have trouble ginning up outrage against imprisoning terrorists and pseudo terrorists

Baxter said...

We are at war with Islamic fascism. We did not repeal the constitution, nor do we need to. We can protect our country without holding innocent people indefinitely without charge. They are the fascists, not us (at least not most of us).