Sunday, March 8, 2009

Terry's Rant

It was GOP "reforms" that set the stage for the current economic crisis. From repeal of the Glass-Steagal act, to bankruptcy "reform" that turns debtors into indentured servants to the bankers, the GOP has been at the forefront of eroding the mechanisms of stabilizattion and regulation that kept the moderated the deep swings of the economy.
The GOP today continues to blame the economic crisis on working people and unions. In the midst of one of the worst economic crises the world has seen since the Great Depression, the GOP continues to advocate that we do nothing: nothing to help the unemployed, nothing to prop up a banking system they pillaged and nothing to stop the looting of our common treasury.
Yes, fair GOP. Look in the mirror. That face you see that looks like Rush Limbuagh really is you.


Jim G. said...

Ummm....No! Terry, saying stupid things, even with passion, does not make them un-stupid.

Representing the Conservative wing of the Republican party as best I can, let me remind you that we have called for across the board tax cuts including FICA. We want pro-business, pro-capitalist programs. What we are getting is the greatest elimination of wealth the country has ever seen. Every producer, which you seem to loath ("daddy paid for their education"), is SITTING ON THEIR HANDS, in true honest protest and predictable behavior towards these economic policies. THE MIND SET OF YOUR RANT IS EXACTLY WHY WE ARE IN TROUBLE!

We would love to help all those in the country by getting the country back to work and making money. What we do not need is to re institute a permanent massive welfare state. Why do you think the Republican governors are rejecting portions of the stimulus money? They force them to forever change unemployment compensation, which we cannot affort!

The destructive programs of this administration is going to bankrupt this country for a generation.

We need a strong, functioning banking system, playing to populist outrage against those in the industries serve no purposes except to make "you" feel vindicated. Who the hell do you think is going to run our banks?

Baxter said...

1. The Republicans got us into this mess, period.

2. No one is sitting on their hands in protest. There are a dearth of opportunities at the moment.

3. Agreed - we need a strong banking system. I do not share the populist outrage. We are saving the system - not the banks, whose equity has for the most part evaporated.

4. We are in uncharted territory. One would think - with all the stimulus being thrown at the problem - we will resume growth this year or early next. Eventually, all roads lead to inflation, which is a better circumstance than the status quo.

terry said...

What part of the Republican party is Conservative? The Bush party which overspent all 8 years on everything and an unnecessary and much too expensive war. The pro business Karl Rove party that favored Big oil companies and raised the price of oil to $4.00 a gallon. I have said this before "This Mythical Party of Yours only exists in your Mind" The Republicans are not small goverment and Consevative as they have shown during the last 8 years. They are narrow minded, pro deregulation, tax breaks for their friends, trickle down economy that destroyed the middle class in this country and has never worked ala Reagan.Jim with all due respect if your mythical party existed, I would love it. How can you defend the mess the Republicans have left this adminstration to clean up. Obama has caused all this in 45 days?