Monday, March 23, 2009

The Nobel Peace Prize scam

Don Easterbrook makes the basic point that, contrary to the hysterical predictions of the alarmists, the earth is cooling, not warming:

The following compares the correlations of solar activity and CO2 concentration to temperature. It seems pretty obvious where the explanation for fluctuations in temperature lies:

I always knew it was the Sun and not mankind that is causing Global temperature variations.

That is why the Polar Ice Caps on Mars have been slightly melting as well, either that or Martians drive invisible SUVs.

Can all of you liberals please explain to me how mankind caused the medieval warming period?

Now our President want to include extensive cap and trade policies in the latest budget based on the so called science from James Hanson, formerly of NASA, who has had his ex boss John Theon state that he should be fired and that hanson's views do not reflect NASA's views.

Enough already. This nation cannot afford to dump more money into something that is far from proven fact and create more hurdles to business recovery with the cap and trade proposals Obama is putting into his budget.


Baxter said...

With all due respect to Mark, I'll take the word of the scientific community over the far right.

There are significant benefits to a energy taxes unrelated to climate change. Our energy independence will greatly improve our national security and economic vitality.

Mark R. said...

Of course you would! No surprise there that you would take the word of scientists working with models that have been discredited by their own bosses who get more and more grants as long as they keep saying Global Warming is man made. Please point out one scientist touting Global Warming that has positively ruled out Global Warming being caused by increased Solar activity without using his computer models that he has programmed based on his scientific view.

There are no significant benefits to any taxes that will keep this country from pulling itself out of this economic turmoil.

Baxter said...

Your argument is merely a lie repeated ad nauseam. The vast majority of concerned scientists (of the 90%+) do not receive any funding for climate change research. The lunatic fringe can't find a legitimate motive for the scientific community writ large to oppose the know-nothing right, so they have made this one up. And Mark gladly repeats it...

Mark R. said...

Sorry but you are again mistaken like always. By the way where did you get the 90% do not get funding for their research. That is laughable. I guess they conduct their climate research for free. Must be nice to be able to work for zero.

By the way in the 1980s the scientists stated that greenhouse gases caused by excessive CO2 emmissions were causing a new ice age by reflecting the Sun's rays away from the Earth. They were absolutely correct on that one too. In fact Time Magazine had the article as a cover feature.

Baxter said...

The scientific community writ large is not all studying climate change. Nonetheless, they can hold an opinion that is more informed than that of an accountant or realtor...

My views in this area are shaped by scientists. Yours, by political hacks.